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I decided I would go to the police first thing in the morning after I went home. My mom would be worried sick and most importantly my father would be home.

I open the door silently coming to creep past the two but that seems impossible when my dad yells my name.

"Claire! Is that you!" he yells from the kitchen in a tipsy voice. He must be drinking again with mom.

"Yeah it's me — welcome home dad!" I say as I walk into the kitchen peeking my head through the wall.

My dad smiles as he placed down a glass cup. That justifies my suspicion of him drinking. Sadly I didn't notice my mom anywhere.

My dad pulls me into a bear hug squeezing me tightly. "Aren't you happy i'm home?" he asked hitting my shoulder playfully.

"Yeah I am I just have a lot of homework" I tell him trying to end our conversation quickly.

"Oh alright" he says as he taps on the counter beside him. I spin around walking up the stairs into my room.

I hear the phone ring and groan. I just walked up the stairs! The ringing stops "Claire hunny! it's for you!" I hear my dad yell and I rush down the stairs.

I walk into the kitchen grabbing the phone. "Hello?" I say into the mic. I hear a very excited Tatum talking.

"Claire!" she yells into the mic my ears ringing from her voice. "Tatum! what's up" I say as I lean on the wall beside the phone.

"I was wonderingggg maybe you wanna help me set up Randy with Sidney" She says making me choke on my spit.

I start coughing repeatedly leaving Tatum on the other line hanging. "Tatum! we don't even know
if —" she cuts me off.

"I do! I know Sidney likes Randy she's the one that asked me" She mumbled into the mic causing my heart to quicken its pace.

"Okay don't tell anyone but Sidney told me Billy has been real distant with her.. he won't even touch her after her mothers death!" she squeals into the mic whispering the last part.

"When did she tell you this?" I ask wanting more details. "It's been a few weeks" she says as stand there in thought.

If Billy and Sidney have been having problems that means Billy's trying to use my to get over Sid. "Well i'll try helping but I make zero promises".

She squeals into the mic "I owe you I swear!" She tells me and I smile as we say our goodbyes. I hang up the phone.

The phone rings again making me jump. I pick it up putting it to my ear. "Hello?" I say into the mic. Maybe it was Tatum calling again.

"Hey" I hear Sidney say into the mic. Just the girl I was looking for actually. A smirk lands on my face as I fold my arms.

"Hey Sidney" I say as I wonder why she's calling. The line goes silent for a moment making me wonder if she's there or not.

"Listen Claire I was just wondering if you've seen Billy recently he told me he'd be at my house but he hasn't shown and I don't know I assumed he'd be with you or Stu?"

Suddenly my eyes widen. I forgot to check up on Billy after the whole thing. I'm surprised at how quick I had forgotten it.

"Try calling Stu he hasn't shown at my house" I tell her. Suddenly something clicks in me and I remember how Billy had shown up to my house because of Sid.

A smile plops onto my face as I curl the phone wire in my hand. "Oh and thanks for telling Billy to stop by on Saturday it means alot to me to know your worried" I tell her smiling.

"What?" She asked me confused and in a sharp tone. "Claire I didn't tell Billy to check up on you maybe your confusing his words" I squint my eyebrows trying to remember what he had said.

He told me Sidney sent him, I remember him saying that and a bunch of other crap. Did Billy care about me?

I rub my temple feeling a headache coming. "Well thanks anyways C but I gotta go call Stu" she tells me hanging up the phone without me saying bye.

I put the phone back as I lean on the wall. This was to much information all at once. I should get some sleep or at least finish my homework.

I make my way to my room and sit on my desk. I tap my pencil up and down as my leg bounces. I lean back on my chair looking down at a frame of me and Casey.

It was during the freshmen year me and Casey were at the park for a small get together with Billy, Stu, Randy and Steve.

Back than Stu and Casey were dating. In the background you could see Billy throwing a frisbee at Randy and it seconds away from hitting his face.

Beside them was Stu and Steve. Stu had Steve in a head lock while he rubbed his head. While Casey held the camera in her hand and I posed while hugging her.

It was a sweet memory it always made me happy to think about. I lick my lips as I lay my head down talking to the frame.

"What would you do Casey?" I ask staring at the frame thinking. It was silly to ask when I already knew.

Casey would've left her boyfriend and fucked him, I would do the same but I honestly had a bad feeling about Billy.

He's been to touchy and nice. It made me rethink my actions whenever he tried talking to me. Whatever, it's probably just me over thinking it.

But for the sake of it i'm going to stay away from Billy for a while.

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