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The nice breeze fills the up the room. I wake up with an annoying headache which makes me want to pass out or lay on my bed for the rest of the day.

I look up at the dresser to see Tatum fixing her hair. She noticed me staring and turns around. "I would let you sleep in but Dewy thinks you should go to school to be taught a lesson on smoking"

I let out a groan as I push my head into my pillow before getting up. My head was thumping left and right which made me even more uncomfortable.

The door opens and I see Sidney appear. She looks like she's ready for school. I get up seeing a zip-up I could throw on.

I change my shirt and pants before putting on the zip-up. "You're not gonna brush your teeth?" Sidney asked me eyeing me.

"I'm already late enough i'll do it when i'm home" I tell her. I than sniff my own breath wrinkling my nose from the smell.

It still tasted like cigarettes sadly. We walk downstairs and outside the house. Tatum hands me a mint which I gladly take.

"We're not walking today?" I ask as I put the mint in my mouth. She shakes her head as we walk down the street.

"We're meeting up with Stu, Billy and Randy" I freeze without realizing. I forgot about how someone knows about Billy kissing me last night.

We walk down the street until we see the boys standing there by the stop sign. They see us and pull out of conversation waving at us.

Billy leaned on the stop sign and stopped pulling his hands out of his pocket. Stu was busy teasing Randy about god knows what.

Stu picks up Tatum holding her bridal style. "Stu!" Tatum says laughing. Billy and Sidney walk beside each other catching up on what they've been doing.

Leaving me and Randy beside each other awkward. I make my way to Sid and Billy avoiding Randy. "You're still mad at him?" Sidney asked me as I nodded.

"He's being to much of an asshole" I mumbled as Billy let out a small laugh. He told me to stay away from Randy which was part of the reason of me not talking to him.

We arrive at school and quickly everyone heads off to there own classes leaving me by myself. I walked to my class before someone grabbed me yanking me into a empty classroom.

I let out a shriek as I look at the person who grabbed me. I look up to find out it's Billy, he smirks at me. He looks at my lips as he slams his onto mine.

I stop him. "Billy! what the hell?" I say as he places his hands on my face cupping it. He gives me a disappointing look.

"What? you don't want me to kiss you" He questioned me as he dropped his hands leaving them hanging on his side as I backed away from him.

"Billy someone knows about what happened last night — let's not forget you have a girlfriend" I tell him making sure my eyes don't leave his while I talk.

"I'll leave her for you" He tells me which makes me wrinkle up my nose. I shake my head as I bite down on my lip.

"We're not going to work out Billy i'm sorry" I tell him as he runs a hand through his hair in dissatisfaction.

I make my way to leave when he blocks my way. I see that same look on his face. The dark menacing look that I saw just a few days ago.

"Billy get out of my way" I tell him pushing him to the side swinging the door open storming down the hallway.


After school had ended I went home I didn't feel like waiting for Tatum and Sid. I had other plans that didn't involve them.

I walked back to Billy's house. I stood in his driveway holding the photo in my hand. I look at the porch and back at the photo.

I back up going further back into I fall into a bush. I hit my head and feel it pounding. I put my hand on my head.

I stare at the film and back at the porch. This must have been where the person took the photo. If i'm being honest this could be a real hint for the police.

But if I gave this photo to the police the press can find out meaning Sidney would find out. I can't do that to her.

I look around behind the bush seeing if maybe this person had left something behind by chance. Something black and white started shinning in the sunlight.

It was facing the ground which had me confused. I squinted my eyebrows as I picked it up turning it.

I immediately drop it putting my hand onto my mouth in shock. It was the same ghost face mask that sick bastard wore.

I start shaking when I feel someone touch my back forcing me to turn around scared and nervous. I turn around my breathing uneasy to notice Billy.

"Hey? What are you doing here" He asked me with a neutral look on his face. I didn't wanna tell him why I was actually here.

I gave him enough details and felt I should keep this to myself for a while. "I gotta go" I tell him eyeing him down.

Why wasn't Billy worried that there was a killer on the loose? "I'll walk you home wherever your
going —" I cut him off.

"No! I'm gonna walk home by myself and you're going to stay here at your house" I tell him before picking up the mask stomping away.

Some part of me felt like I couldn't trust Billy. I really wanted too but something inside of me is telling Billy has something to do with all of this.

I mean Sid said she caught him in his house right after ghost face had attacked her. If that isn't suspicious than i'm not sure what is.

My girl | Billy Loomis ✔️Where stories live. Discover now