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We were back on the road. I had fallen asleep, I was to stressed or even tired to comprehend what was going on. So I decided to take a nap sleeping fixed most of my problems anyways.

I let myself sleep for the whole ride. When I had woken up I wasn't where I thought I'd be. I rubbed my eyes and let myself adjust to the light.

Where the fuck am I. I was in a plain room it looked like I was in someone's basement. I was on a mattress.

My whole body ached. I than remember I needed crutches. It's the most important thing yet I almost forgotten about it.

I notice my crutches across the room against the door. I debate going there and getting them myself or just waiting here for Billy or Stu to come down.

Why do they do this to me. I'm not gonna run away I said I wouldn't. But I mean we both know I would.. but still.

I sat against the wall as I sighed waiting for someone. The door knob started moving and the door pushed open.

I see Billy appear from the door. His eyes immediately dart onto mine. He grabs the crutches and walks over to me placing them beside me.

"Billy why am I down here?" I ask him. I had given up trying to understand Billy at all. He was a lost cause.

Billy's eyes widen as he listens to me speak for the first time in a LONG time. "I don't want you to run away" he tells me.

I scoff. "Billy I promised I wouldn't" I tell him holding his hand. Billy than smirks as he runs a hand through his hair.

"Where's Stu?" I asked him. Billy stiffens up "He's around here somewhere god knows where he is" He tells me with a blank face.

He than gets up and I hold onto his pants. "No! Please don't leave me let me come with you" I beg him.

He raised a brow. "Alright" He said as he helped me up handing me my crutches. I followed behind him slowly.

Maybe when I'm healed enough I could wack Billy with my crutches. It wasn't a bad idea it could honestly work.

Once I'm upstairs I notice that the area around me is very .. forestry and leafy. It confused me on where we exactly were but I knew I'd find out sooner or later.

Billy sits me down as I notice the sun is almost setting. He looks at me, "How about I make you dinner?" He suggested.

I raise an eyebrow. "You? Cooking what are you trynna burn down the house" I say letting out a small giggle.

He smiles as he places both his hands on either side of the counter. He scratches the back of his head.

"It'd be romantic.. it's something I've always wanted to do for you" He says as he turns around.

"You can explore the house or whatever I wont take long I can tell that tiny tummy of yours is probably aching with hunger"

I smile. "Alright than" I say as I turn around I make my way slowly towards the front part of the house.

This house was mapped quite odd. There were a bunch of random halls that led to dead ends it seemed like something out of a horror movie.

I made my way down one of the halls to notice a door. I open it and there's a wall, weird right?

It seemed like I was in a dream. I think Stu got lost I mean I would've. I make way into a random hall.

This house was awfully big it made my head hurt just by imaging how many more rooms I could run into.

I see a room with double doors and go to it twisting the knob opening it. I walk inside to see a few bookcases filled with books. A desk with a lamp and chair.

It seemed like your average office. I make my way towards the desk. I glance at the books taking in every inch of detail before I sit down on the chair letting the crutches drop beside the desk.

I look around and see one of the drawers half way open. I raise a brow opening it seeing a notebook on top.

It had a grey cover and a black spine. I pick it up and open it. I notice a few blank pages and than a random page that had a paragraph in it.

I start reading it. 'I've tried to control my anger a few times it's been difficult but I've done it and managed it well until father had upset me. He had brought up my mom again and I couldn't control my feelings that night. I didn't mean for it to happen it all happened so quick'

My eyes widened. Billy killed his dad? I skip to the next page. 'Stu seems like he's coming to his senses and I hate to do this but I'm scared I have too I knew I had to end Stu soon but this is much sooner than I had expected'

I drop the notebook into my lap as my hand goes to my mouth. "Claire!" Billy calls out for me and I shove the book into the drawer as I grab my crutches.

I rush out the room quickly shutting the door behind me. I turn the corner to see Billy appear I smile at him.

"Yes?" I say as I feel myself get sweaty. Billy's face relaxes. "I've finished dinner come on"
he motioned as he walked towards the dinning table.

I follow him from behind. I let out a shaky breath as Billy pulls out the chair for me. "Sit" He tells me and I obey sitting down as I place the crutches beside me.

Billy heads over to the kitchen placing a steaming bowl of spaghetti onto the table. There was a bottle of wine and two glasses that were also sent on the table.

Beside the table there was a bowl of salad that looks well prepared. I let out a small sigh as Billy pours the spaghetti onto my plate and a bit of the salad.

He pours the wine into my cup and some into his he than sits back down on his chair scooting in and eating the spaghetti.

He glances up at me when he notices I'm not eating. "Not hungry are we?" He said as he wipes his face with a cloth.

I was to busy thinking about what I had just read and learnt about Billy. I shake my head and began eating slowly.

My eyes widen slowly. "This taste really good" I say surprised. I never knew Billy could cook.

He smiles at me as a faint red shade appears on his cheek. "Thank you, I took time with it and added a few special things".

I smile at what he has to say about his cooking as I dig into the food.

My girl | Billy Loomis ✔️Where stories live. Discover now