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The following week was full of prepping and preparing for the start of the season at Daytona. They first had the clash in LA, and then within a few days, they'd be heading to Daytona.

"Ash, are you ready yet? We gotta get the bus loaded!" Kade called up the steps of their pretty big mansion.

"I'm coming. Relax," she said as she brought her suitcase down with everything she needed. "Are we going in the bus or the plane?"

"Plane. Bus is gonna meet us there. Practice and qualifying are both on Saturday and then the heat races and the race is Sunday, so we'll have to stay in the bus. Unless you want a hotel,"

"We had the bus tailored to our every need. The bus will be fine," she chuckled.

"Alright then, let's go," he smiled, grabbing the rest of their things and heading to the car.

Ashton got Bristol in her spot while Kade helped Dayton buckle up in her seat.

They soon headed to the airport and found the rest of the Hendrick team all starting to unload their cars.

After everything was put away on the plane, everyone started to get on, and Ashton knew it would be a struggle.

LA was a pretty long flight at almost 5 hours, and Dayton was not a huge fan of the planes. Whether they were on a private jet or a regular plane, she was not a fan.

"It's okay, honey, it's just gonna be a quick flight. You can snuggle with mommy or daddy and sleep if you want," Ashton tried, knowing the anxiety's her daughter was facing.

She hated flying before she married a NASCAR driver. She obviously had to overcome her fear of flying since they couldn't drive everywhere.

"I wanna drive the car there," Dayton told her, holding her hand tightly. "I don't wanna go in the plane, Mommy,"

"Hey, kiddo, what's going on?" Chase asked, kneeling as he saw them struggling to get on the plane.

"I wanna drive there. I wanna go in the bus!"

"Why? Are you scared?" He asked, lifting her so she was on his hip, "I got her, Ash. Go ahead and get Bee situated,"

"Alright. Thanks, Chase. I'll be right back," she said as she grabbed the baby's car seat and walked away.

"What's got you scared, Day?"

"I don't like the plane!"

"You were okay with it last year," he told her, both of them sitting on the concrete.

"I'm just scared this year!" She said, unable to figure out what she was feeling.

"I get scared too, Day. Can you be brave for me? Can you help me get on the plane?" He asked, doing anything to coax the six-year-old onto the plane.

"Okay," she mumbled, standing up and holding Chase's hand as they walked onto the jet.

"Do you want to sit with Mama or me?"

"Uncle Chase," she said, getting in one of the seats and putting the seat belt on.

"Alright, kid," he chuckled, catching Ashton's glance as she mouthed a thank you to him.

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