Twenty Two

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"You're not nervous are you?" Kade asked as they got into the car to head to Charlotte Motor Speedway.

"No," Ashton shook her head, obviously lying.

"You're an awful liar," he chuckled, "I'm gonna be fine,"

"Last time you were in the car, it was flipping through the air and you weren't responding so," she sighed, "And it was terrifying,"

"That's not gonna happen now,"

"Kade you can't promise that," she said as she looked at her phone, hoping to just leave the conversation where it was.

"I can try,"

"This is why we didn't bring Dayton. I don't want her to be scared of this," she sighed, finally looking at him as she set her phone in the cup holder. "I'm just not ready for you to be back so soon,"

"It's been 5 weeks ash,"

"I know," she nodded, "it's just hard Kade. Every time I think about you getting back in, I see that crash,"

"I get that honey but it's going to be okay. You'll see," Kade said as he squeezed her hand and pulled into the gates of the speedway.

Kade pulled into the drivers' lot, where their bus was so She could relax inside. They didn't really need it as they were so close to home but they had it there anyway. They weren't the only ones either. There were a lot more than she expected to be there.

They got inside and Ashton immediately called their sitter to see how Dayton and Bristol were doing while Kade got ready for practice.

"Hey Ashton," Jamie answered as she was feeding Bristol.

"Hey. How are my girls?"

"Bristol's fine. Dayton is still a little nervous,"

"Can I talk to her?" Ashton asked, putting it on speaker as Kade sat at the dinette with her.

"Hi, mommy,"

"Hi, baby. What are you doing?" She asked, pushing the phone in the middle of the table so Kade could also talk to her.

"Just playing. I miss you and Daddy though,"

"We miss you too nugget," He smiled, "But we'll be home soon. I just have to practice and qualify and then Mom and I will be home,"

"Okay Daddy," Dayton said, staying quiet before her little voice came over the phone again, "You'll be careful. Right Daddy?"

"Of course Nugget," he nodded, knowing she was going to be nervous. He didn't want her to be, but like Ashton, Dayton was worried for his safety.

They talked a little longer before hanging up and Kade just looked like he didn't know what to do.

"What's wrong?" Ashton asked, looking at him as she put her phone to the side.

"I can promise her, and you, that I'll be safe. But I can't promise that this won't happen again," Kade said as he grabbed her hand from across the table.

"I know," she nodded, "But as long as you promise us that you will be safe, that's all we can ask,"

"As long as you and my girls support me, that's all I need,"

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