Twenty Four

40 7 0

Ashton would've been lying if she said she wasn't slightly excited to get up on Sunday and go to the racetrack. It had been 5 weeks since Kade was in the car and while it was nice to just stay home and let him recover, she knew that he missed it. She missed the routine and the adrenaline rush from watching him.

"Kade, time to get up," she said as she shook him slightly.

"I'm up," he mumbled, rolling over before forcing himself out of bed.

"I'm gonna go check on the kids,"

"Mhm," he mumbled again, rubbing the crud from his eyes before going to get ready.

Ashton got the kids up and fed, giving Dayton a bowl of cereal while she gave Bristol her first little bit of puréed bananas.

"You guys ready for today?" Kade asked as he came down in a Hendrick Motorsports t-shirt and jeans.

"I am," Ashton nodded, looking at Dayton who was pretty quiet.

"Dayton? You ready kiddo?"

"I'm a little scared," she shrugged as she played with the leftover cereal and milk in her bowl.

"I know kiddo," he said as he sat down, "Look at me kiddo,"

Dayton looked up at him as he was next to her, giving him her full attention.

"Daddy's gonna be okay,"

"Do you promise?" She asked, looking like her eyes were going to start welling up with tears.

"I do promise. I was okay after Talladega right?"

"You were hurt though," Dayton said as she set her silverware down on the table.

"Come here nugget," he sighed, pulling her into his lap. "I'm gonna be okay. We got through it one time and Daddy's been doing a lot to get stronger. I know you're scared but I promise you, that I will be okay,"

"Okay, Daddy,"

"Now let's go get ready?" He asked, looking at Ashton who nodded.

"Can you help me pick out a outfit?" Dayton asked, looking up at her father.

"I can. Come on kiddo," he nodded, setting her feet on the floor before he got up.

He helped Dayton pick out her shirt and shorts before leaving her bedroom so she could get changed. Ashton had gotten Bristol into her Hendrick Motorsports onesie with a cute pair of pants and a red bow in her hair.

"I got her. Go ahead and ready," Kade said as he took Bristol from his wife so she could shower and get ready.

"Thank you," she smiled, kissing Bristol's cheek as she handed her over, "Dayton, let's go do your hair baby,"

"Okay," she nodded, following her mom up the steps and to the big bathroom.

Ashton braided Dayton's hair into a high ponytail with a red bow that had the 24 embroidered on one of the tails before curling the ponytail and brushing them out.

After she finished Dayton's hair, she got in the shower and got out, she dried her hair and straightened it, before pulling it half up. She then did her makeup and found her outfit.

She was soon ready to go, grabbing her small purse and keys before heading down the steps.

"Alright. We making pancakes?" She asked, smiling as her family had started. Even if they weren't going to eat them, it was their good luck ritual.

"We are. Dayton suggested we take them for a snack at the track," Kade said as he helped Dayton flip one of the pancakes.

"We can do that. The bus is there so we can always go warm it up or eat it cold," Ashton smiled, getting some Tupperware out of the cabinet to put their pancakes in.

The family all piled into Ashton's SUV and headed for Charlotte Motor Speedway, ready for the race ahead. With Kade starting on the pole, Ashton was nervous but she knew he could handle himself. It was the other cars she worried about. Or his car itself. It could get loose and hit the wall, or spin into traffic, or repeat exactly what happened at Talladega.

Practice was a really big test for her and that was only a few cars on the track. It was about to be 40 on the track at one time and that's what made her nervous.

They got there early, having a few hours before the drivers meeting so they sat in the bus and watched some TV while Dayton did some homework. Kade made sure to feed Bristol while Ashton helped Dayton, all 4 of them enjoying the calm before the storm.

Kade left for the drivers meeting while Ashton got the girls ready for pre-race, soon meeting him at the 24 pit stall. He took a quick picture with the girls, having Dayton sit on the window of the car while he held Bristol on his hip.

The pre-race started soon after the picture was taken and Ashton smiled as she had missed the atmosphere of the track. She was trying to let the nerves go as the prayer was said and the national anthem was sung. As soon as it was over, she knew it was really time to let him go.

"You're gonna do amazing," She smiled, turning to him as she took Bristol off his hands.

"I'm gonna try," he nodded, kneeling to hug Dayton tightly, "I love you nugget,"

"I love you too Daddy," she mumbled into his firesuit.

"I'll be okay,"

"You promise?" She asked, looking at him as they broke from the hug.

"I promise," he nodded, kissing her forehead before he stood up and kissed Bristol's forehead, "Love you little one,"

"Be safe," Ashton told him, kissing him as it was finally her turn, "I love you,"

"I love you more,"

From then on, he was climbing into the car and she was climbing into the pit box to watch the love of her life race again.

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