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"Mommy, where did Daddy start?" Dayton asked as she looked for Kade's car during the caution laps at the coliseum.

"He started in  4th, so he's right there," she said as she pointed to the dark blue car.

"Uncle Alex is right there!" She smiled, watching as they slowly drove by.

"Yeah, honey," she chuckled, "and Uncle Ryan is right there,"

"There's Uncle Kyle too," Dayton squealed as she pointed out the five car.

"And Uncle Chase," Ashton pointed out as he drove by too. "I think that's everyone,"

"Can we start now?"

"Honey, you'll only get to see a little bit because it's gonna be bedtime soon,"

"No, Mommy!" She whined but knew she wouldn't win, and Ashton would take them back to the bus for bed.

"Hey. None of that. You know that," she warned, watching as the cars came around, "Green Flag, Day,"

"Go, Daddy, go!" She squealed, forgetting all about the conversation that just took place.

They watched until about halfway through before Ashton took the girls home and tucked them into bed.

"If Daddy wins, I'll tell him to wake you up. Okay, honey?"

"Okay, Mommy," she nodded, snuggling up in her covers as Ashton covered her up.

"I love you,"

"Love you too, mama," she smiled, going to bed as her mother had told her to.

Ashton rocked Bristol to sleep and put her in her crib before she sat on the couch and watched the rest of the race.

Kade got P10, which wasn't awful for the first time in the next-gen car. It wasn't great, and it was a loss in Kade's brain. Ashton knew he had a few interviews to do, so she went to their room and got in bed after checking on the girls.

She didn't remember falling asleep but quickly woke up to Kade crawling into bed with her.

"Just me." He whispered, kissing her cheek before he laid beside her.

Ashton nodded and rolled back over but felt Kade start playing with her hair. That was her favorite thing.

Kade was up and down all night with Bristol, who was just shy of 3 months old.

Bristol was not a happy camper and started to scream as he paced in the living room.

"What's going on?" Ashton asked as she came out of the bedroom.

"She's just not happy," Kade sighed, handing her over, "I'm gonna go make her a bottle,"

"Thanks, honey," she nodded, sitting on the couch with her while Kade made the bottle and warmed it up.

As soon as she had the bottle in her hands, Bristol stopped crying.

"We're you just hungry?" She laughed, looking at Kade, "She's definitely your kid."

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