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"Daddy! Mommy! Wake up!" Dayton yelled as she jumped on her parent's bed, bright and early on the morning of the Daytona Duels.

"Day," Kade grumbled, pulling her down into the middle of him and Ashton. "It's too early,"

"But it's time to get up!" She giggled, laying between them as both her parents were dozing off again.

"In a little bit Dayton," Ashton grumbled, pulling the covers up and over their six-year-old.

"Okay," She sighed, "Can I watch TV, Mommy?"

"Mhm," Ashton nodded, giving her the remote to turn on Disney Plus and watch whatever she wanted.

They slept for another half hour before Bristol was crying and ready to eat, so they were forced to get up and start the day. The duels didn't begin until seven that night, so they planned to hang around the bus all day and get some of Dayton's homework done so she wouldn't have to work on it all weekend.

"Will you feed Bristol so I can get Dayton's school stuff done?" She asked, handing a three-month-old bristol to her father.

"Do I have a choice?" he chuckled, willing to do it but just wanting to mess with his wife.

"Not really. Unless you want to teach her the 'this day in history' lesson," She chuckled, warming up a bottle as Kade soothed the crying infant.

"Yeah, i'm not some history whiz like you were, so I'll let you take the history lesson, mama," He chuckled, sitting in the chair as Ashton handed him the warm bottle.

Bristol took it like she hadn't had anything to eat lately, even though the tired parents were still feeding her every 3 or 4 hours when she woke up at night.

"Slow down, peanut, or you're gonna spit up all over me, and I don't have time to shower again,"

"Babe, she's three months old. She doesn't know what that means," Ashton chuckled, looking over to Dayton, "Come here, honey. Let's get this done early so you can have the rest of the day to play, and then we can go watch Daddy race,"

"And i'm in the early race, so she can watch. Bristol will probably be asleep against you," Kade chuckled, "Did we bring the baby carrier thing?"

"It was the first thing I put in the bus because I knew i'd forget it if I didn't pack it first," She said before she turned to Dayton and started working on her schoolwork with her daughter.

"Babe, do you care if Blaney and Gianna come see us? They haven't seen Peanut since she was born,"

"That's fine," She nodded, watching as Dayton wrote her name on top of the paper, "Good job, honey,"

Kade texted Ryan back that it was okay and what slot they were at before he turned on the TV and watched a little bit of a show with Bristol in his lap.

A knock sounded only a few minutes later before Kade simply said, "It's open," as he knew who it was.

"Hey guys," Ryan called, letting Gianna in the bus before coming in behind her.

"Hey," Kade smiled, standing up with the baby in his arms.

"Look how big you've gotten," Gianna grinned as Kade handed the baby over to her.

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