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Kyle and Katelyn ended up taking the girls, leaving Alex and Chase time to go support Ashton. She'd become more of a sister to them and they knew her well enough to know that she was going crazy in her own thoughts.

They found her in the waiting area pretty quickly where her eyes were locked on the sliding ER doors. She didn't speak as they came over, didn't even give them a look, just watched those doors slide open and closed again.

They tried to get her coffee, snacks, everything but she took nothing. She was too sick to her stomach to eat for the few hours that she knew nothing.

When the doctor finally came out, he told her all of the injuries but also told her that he was stable and would recover. A fractured vertebrae, a mild to severe concussion, and cuts and bruises.

The nurse took her back to the room where she stayed on the couch awake and watched him sleep.

Alex had gone back to get the girls and put them to bed on the Williams bus so they could sleep in their own beds. Chase planned to stay with Ashton and Kade for the night since he knew her and knew she was replaying it over and over in her head.

She was up all night long, relieved when Kade finally moved around at 4 in the morning.

"Hey honey," She sniffled, trying not to break down but failing at that. She couldn't help but cry.

"Please don't cry, Ash. I'm okay," he mumbled, pulling her close as soon as he could. "I'm okay honey,"

"I know. It was just so scary," she sighed, hugging him as tightly as she could without hurting him.

"What's the damage?"

"Fractured vertebrae and a concussion but you were really lucky that that was all," Ashton sniffled, wiping her eyes as she sat on the bed.

"The kids?"

"Kyle and Katelyn had them but Alex went back and took them back to our bus," she told him, feeling a little bit more comfortable now that they were talking and everyone was somewhat okay.

Chase stayed with them all night, catching some sleep while Kade did. Ashton didn't. She couldn't because if she did, she felt something would go wrong.

It was like that for the next day too, she was catering to Kade's every need while Chase had gone back to the track to get the kids ready to go back home.

Kade stayed quiet for a little while, noticing that Ashton was actually laying on the couch comfortably as a random show played on TV.

She dozed off for a second and eventually fell asleep making Kade smile. He clicked on the TV and turned it down, making sure she was still sleeping before turning back to the television.

Alex and Chase came back, being somewhat loud as they were making jokes.

"I swear if you wake her up, I'll get out of this bed and throw you both out the window," he whispered, nodding over at Ashton who was still sound asleep on the couch.

"Finally passed out huh?" Chase asked, looking over at her.

"Yeah. Will one of you yahoos throw a blanket on her?" Kade asked, turning the TV off as Chase did what he asked.

"How's the noggin?" Alex asked, sitting in one of the plastic chairs beside the bed.

"It's whatever. Back is worse. I don't know how I'm gonna help her with the kids while I'm off," he shrugged, "speaking of the kids, where are they?"

"Kyle and Katelyn took them for now. They're having a play date," Alex shrugged.

"Hand me Ash's bag," Kade requested, pointing to the mini pink bag that Ashton always kept for the racetrack.

Chase did as Kade asked, picking the purse up from the end table and handing it over to his friend.

"Take her keys, get the kids in her traverse, and bring them here. I want to see them," Kade said as he pulled her small key ring out and handed it over.

"Got it," they both nodded, taking an Uber back to the track and doing as Kade requested.

Dayton was a little shy about seeing him since she'd been scared the whole season about this happening. He knew that when Alex had to carry Dayton in, who was crying against him.

"Look squirt. It's daddy. He's okay," he tried, turning her as he walked in.

"Nugget," he sighed, reaching out for her as she sobbed.

"She's been like this since we picked her up. Bristol's living her best life in the car seat," Chase told him, watching Dayton slowly calm down.

"She's been scared of this happening so I'm not surprised this is how she's reacting," he sighed, holding Dayton as close as he could to him. Even though it hurt, comforting Dayton was more important to him.

"Katelyn said she's been asking about you,"

"I'm sure," he nodded before looking down at Dayton, "I'm okay nugget. I'm all fine,"

"You got hurt Daddy," she sobbed, which immediately woke Ashton from her sleep.

"Why is she crying?" Ashton mumbled, sitting up before she came over and sat on the bed.

"She's a little scared," Kade answered as Ashton rubbed her daughter's back.

"It's okay honey. Daddy's alive. That's all we can ask for right?" She said as Dayton moved from Kade's arms to hers, "It's okay baby. I know it's scary,"

"We're all okay nugget," Kade said as Dayton started to calm down. She soon moved back to Kade's arms and Ashton got Bristol out of her car seat, holding her as they spent the night together.

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