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By 11 PM, the victory lane celebrations were over and they were packing up the bus to head home. Dayton was still wide awake while Bristol was becoming cranky.

"I'll get the bus, just get her packed up," Kade told his wife as he went to the slide and moved it back in.

Once the kids were packed, they headed for the plane and flew home. They flew out at Midnight and got home right around 2 with 2 very sleepy kids. Ashton made Bristol a quick bottle, feeding her while Kade carried Dayton up to her bedroom. Getting her in her bed was no easy task, and he ended up lying down with her after he tucked her in for a few minutes.

As soon as Ashton was able to get into their room, she went into the closet and changed into pajamas before walking up the small set of steps and collapsing into bed. Kade made it in a few minutes after she did, laying right next to her.

"I love that we have that option for the plane," She mumbled, not bothering to open her eyes as she laid on her side of the bed.

"I know. We are lucky to have Jeff to take the bus too, and bring your car back,"

"We're lucky in a lot," She smiled a little, moving over a little to kiss him, "Goodnight honey,"

"Night baby," Kade smiled, kissing her back before they both rolled over and fell asleep.


Kade was gone fairly early the next morning, leaving Ashton to take care of their 2 little girls. She knew they had a win celebration so she would be going to that and the girls would be handing their dad the trophy. Well, Dayton would be with some help from Kade's tire changer, Ian.

"What do you want for breakfast kiddo?" Ashton asked as she started looking in the cabinets for something to make.

"Can I have oatmeal mama?" Dayton asked, sitting at the bar stool like usual. She knew the morning routine well.

"You can. You don't want pancakes or something?" She asked, looking at her as she started the baby Brezza to make Bristol's next bottle of the day.

"No. I want oatmeal,"

Ashton just shook her head and chuckled, loving how her daughter was very decisive and a carbon copy of her father's personality, just with her mother's looks.

"Alright, kiddo. Since Daddy won yesterday, we have to get ready and head to the shop so we can celebrate with Daddy's team," Ashton told her as she set her bowl of hot oatmeal on the island in front of her. She then sat by her and fed Bristol, all while drinking her own coffee.

"Can I choose my outfit?"

"Yes," She chuckled, "Just let me make sure it matches,"

"Okay!" Dayton nodded, quickly finishing her breakfast before she and Ashton headed upstairs.

Ashton sat in the little lounge chair while Dayton went into her closet and started finding something to wear. The 6-year-old gave her mother a slight fashion show until she settled on a cute shirt and pair of jeans before they went to Ashton and Kade's room.

Ashton set Bristol in her little bouncer while Dayton sat on the little couch and watched TV. Ashton was lucky that she could easily be in the master bathroom and still see her kids in the bedroom area. She did her makeup and looked in their closet to find an outfit, trying on a few before settling on a plain white t-shirt, a black quarter-sleeve cardigan, a pair of ripped jeans, and her hey dude shoes. After getting changed, she quickly ran a straightener through her hair, threw it in a ponytail, and headed back to the bedroom.

 After getting changed, she quickly ran a straightener through her hair, threw it in a ponytail, and headed back to the bedroom

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"Alright Day, you ready baby?" Ashton asked, picking Bristol up as she turned off the TV.

"Okay mama," The girl nodded, jumping up and jumping down the steps.

They got in the car and headed to the Hendrick Motorsports campus, parking as they were bringing the winning car out for the picture with the team.

"Hey hun," Kade smiled as he came out of the building, kissed her, and got Bristol's seat out of the back.

"Hey," Ashton grinned, walking up with him as Dayton held her hand, "Look at all that Daytona confetti,"

"I know. I already put a jar of it in Jack's office," He chuckled.

"How full is the bookcase now?" She smiled, heading right for the office as they walked through the door.

"Not full enough," He shrugged as he opened the office door, "Hey Jack. Kids and Ash are here,"

"Hey, there's the little munchkins. How you doing Day?" Jack asked as he held his hand up for a high five from the little girl.

"I'm good," The girl answered, giving her half of the high five before hugging Jack.

Jack and Kade had been working together for years. He was one of the first to know about Ashton and had watched 24-year-old Kade grow into the family man he now was. He still remembered every time that he'd come in with one of Ashton's ultrasounds and hang it on the bulletin board he kept in the man's office. His face would light up anytime anyone asked about his wife and their baby as soon as she was born. Knowing the entire family from the moment they became a family, he'd become somewhat of an uncle to Dayton.

"You watch Dad win the other day?" He asked, turning back to his computer.

"Yeah! It was so cool!" She giggled, sitting on Jack's lap as he pulled up the in-car camera footage from the burnout afterward.

"You wanna go for a quick ride?" He asked, pressing play on the video so Dayton could watch the camera from crossing the finish line to when the burnout finished.

"Daddy that's in your car?!" The six-year-old asked in complete disbelief.

"That is nugget. If Daddy can win more this year, maybe I'll take you with me one time,"

"Might wanna rethink that with the look your wife's giving you right now," Jack chuckled, looking at Ashton as she was crossing her arms, staring Kade down.

"I'm sure she'll be happy enough to allow it one time," He shrugged.

"Come on, let's go before they serve the food without us," Jack chuckled, setting Dayton's feet on the floor before he got up and they all headed to where the celebration would be held.

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