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Auto Club was not in their favor with Kade finishing in 25th, but he turned that around and won at Vegas. They had their celebration with the team and Mr. H before focusing on the next race which was in Phoenix.

He loved Phoenix and it was also on his bucket list to win there before he retired.

After packing the bus for the weekend, their bags, and hooking up the Traverse, the bus was off and they were left to fly out and race.


Phoenix was sweltering hot for race day and every team was loaded up with water.

Before they started letting fans on pit road, Ashton made sure that Bristol and Dayton had plenty of sunscreen on as well as herself and that Dayton had her water bottle with the coldest water she could get.

"Kade, did you fill your water?" She asked, looking at her husband as he was doing just that.

"Yes honey, I did," he answered just to be smart with her.

"We'll stay out as long as we can but we might end up going back in the bus if it gets too hot,"

"I understand honey," he smiled, kissing her cheek before taking Bristol from her.

They went through the prayer and national anthem all hand in hand. Bristol slept in Kade's arm while he had Dayton in front of him and his free arm around Ashton.

"Alright, give Dad kisses," Ashton told Dayton as everything ended and Kade was having to climb into the car.

Kade kissed Bristol's head before handing her to Ashton and kneeling at Dayton's level.

"You'll be safe Daddy?"

"I promise nugget. I'll be safe," he nodded, "come here baby girl,"

Dayton hugged him tightly, holding on for a minute before he had to let go and stand back up.

"I love you," Ashton told him right before he kissed her.

"I love you too," he nodded, kissing her one more time before he climbed in the car and the 3 of them went up to sit in the pit box.

The race started soon after and stage one was hot. Ashton was keeping herself hydrated as well as the girls and Kade started stage 2 close to the front.

Ashton was watching closely when Dayton snuggled up to her, "Mommy?"

"Yeah, baby?"

"I don't feel good," she mumbled, looking at Ashton with tears in her eyes.

"What hurts baby?" She asked as she moved her hair back.

"I dunno," She slurred, making Ashton sit right up.

"Alright baby, take a drink," She told her, knowing that the girl was overheating.

Ashton immediately put the baby in her carrier against her and got Dayton up. She had a little help as she got both of the girls down from the pit box and to the care center as fast as she could. The baby was in front of her, and she had Dayton on her back now as she finished the walk.

"What's going on guys?" A nice woman at the front asked as the 3 came in.

"I think she's starting to go through some heat exhaustion," Ashton told the woman.

"Alright let's go, sweetie," she nodded, taking them to an open room.

Ashton laid Dayton down on the bed while the nurse took her vitals.

The nurse was amazing and told her everything she was doing before the doctor came in and decided to give her an IV bag of fluids.

"Mommy I don't want it," Dayton whined, having a huge fear of needles as the nurse got everything set up.

"It's okay baby, just hold onto me,"

"I don't want it mommy!" She sobbed, trying to wiggle away from Ashton as the nurse held her steady and got the IV in.

"All done honey," the nurse smiled, "Do you want to watch some TV?"

"I want Daddy," she sobbed, usually turning to Kade when she was sick.

Ashton sighed and pulled up a compilation of interviews from Kade on YouTube which seemed to calm Dayton down. While Dayton was watching it on the iPad, she texted Jack to let Kade know what was going on but that they were fine and would see him after the race.

Jack saw the text pretty soon after she sent it, getting on the radio to Kade immediately.

"Hey Kade. The wife took Dayton to the care center for some heat exhaustion. She's fine. They're watching on TV. Said they'll see you after the race,"

"Thanks, Jack. Let me know if she says anything else," Kade said before focusing again on the task at hand.

They were in a pretty good spot and coming off the win in Vegas just made it all the more sweeter when Kade crossed the finish line in first. He didn't want a huge scene but he looked at everyone waiting to interview him and sighed.

"I'll do interviews in victory lane. My kid got sick so I'm going to the care center and doing my first job which is being her dad. I'll see you all in a little bit," Kade said before he was on a golf cart and heading for the care center.

Ashton had texted him what room they were in so he knew where to go and she knew to stop him when he did.

"She's okay. Just some heat exhaustion, she's sleeping. She's fine," she promised, calming him down immediately.

"Okay, I'll be calm,"

She nodded and let him in the room, watching him sit by his little girl.

"Hey Nugget," he whispered, gently picking her up and letting her snuggle before tweeting something out.

@KadeWilliams24: Sorry guys! I'm gonna celebrate in about 15 minutes. My little one came down with some heat exhaustion and my little ones come before a race win and interviews. See you all soon!

He wasn't surprised to see the official Hendrick Motorsports account retweet it and add their own comment.

@TeamHendrick: He's a dad before anything❤️ We'll see you all soon!

He smiled a little and sat back with Dayton until it was time for him to go to victory lane.

Ashton stayed with Dayton but was able to make it to victory lane with her, taking their now 3rd win picture of the season.

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