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Kade was kept overnight for observation and released in the morning. They had 2 options and it was on the 2 of them to make the choice. They could take a short flight home or they could have Hank drive them in the bus where Kade could lay in their bed.

"What do you want to do?" Ashton asked him, sitting on the bed.

"I don't know Ash. It's not going to be comfortable either way,"

"I know. That's why I'm asking you. You're the one that's hurt, you're the one that's going to be hurting," she sighed.

"Let's just take the bus then," He said, looking at her as she nodded and called their driver to bring the bus from the track.

The team had flown back after finding out Kade was okay and now that the 2 of them had the girls, they were going home as a complete family of 4. It was all they could have asked for.

The bus arrived soon enough and Kade was able to sign his own discharge papers before they headed out and he got right into their bed. Ashton thanked every star in the sky that they had decided to put a regular mattress in instead of the one that had come standard in normal campers and RVs.

Bristol was settled in her car seat while Dayton was sitting at the dinette, doing some homework with Ashton.

"Is daddy okay mama?" Dayton asked, still looking at her paper as she waited for an answer.

"Yes, baby. Daddy's okay," Ashton nodded, "Dayton look at me,"

"I was scared mama,"

"I know you were. I was too baby. Daddy has a dangerous job but Daddy loves it. And we have to support him,"

"I know. I just don't want Daddy to get hurt again," she said as tears started welling up in her eyes. "I don't want Daddy to die,"

"Honey. Where did that come from? Why would you think that?" Ashton asked, shocked that her daughter was having thoughts like she was.

"I heard you talking to somebody," she mumbled, knowing she was supposed to be sleeping when Ashton had made the phone call to Mr Hendrick.

"Baby, Mommy was just talking to Daddy's boss. I was telling him how scared I was. And I know you're scared too but I need you to let mommy deal with the fear," she sighed, hugging her daughter tightly. "What's important right now is that daddy's okay,"

"Can I go see Daddy?"

"Yes, baby." She nodded, knowing she was needing some one-on-one time with her dad.

They both got up and Ashton took her to the back of their bus where Kade was watching a movie.

"I had a feeling she'd come back here," Kade said as he saw them come in, "come here nugget. Let's have a little chat,"

Ashton smiled a little and went to the other room again, sitting back down to write the blog post she'd been dreading.

"Well. It happened.

We've had little accidents before but Talladega was different. I've never seen my husband's car fly through the air like that and to hear my daughter scream...worst feeling ever. I can't even begin to describe how I felt.

My first instinct was to hold my child and shield her from what I could see even though I was too shocked to try and calm her.

I remember hearing Jack and Nathan calling out to Kade and trying to get him to answer but nothing. That's not a feeling I would wish on anyone. The infield care center was skipped and I remember trying to follow the ambulance while I left the girls with their uncle Chase.

Thank god for Kyle and Katelyn Larson. They took the girls from Alex and Chase so they could come sit with me. They were the only thing keeping me from freaking out.

Kade ended up with a concussion, a compression fracture in his vertebrae, and a few cuts and bruises. Recovery is gonna be rough but we'll get through it. He's out for 4 races as of now but the doctor warned us that it could be longer. It's just a wait-and-see type of situation.

We appreciate all the good thoughts and good vibes.

See y'all later!
Ashton Williams"

She looked through her words and edited everything before posting it to her blog. After that, she went to the back of the bus, finding Kade and Dayton cuddled up and sound asleep. She couldn't ask for anything more.

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