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After escaping the stairs Izuku and Melissa, had began running up the side of the tower to reach the 99th floor.

"Your quick even without your godly abilities Midoriya!" "Well call it good genes we are nearing the 99th floor be prepared to meet resistance."

"He did not even hesitate for an instance
But I guess he gave us a clear path to the party floor." His classmates agreed with one another. They ran up the stairs.

"Hey Ida and Momo why don't you use your powers to get up quicker?" "We can't Uraraka something is stopping us from using our runic and speed force powers."
"What a bummer, well let's just get to the party"
When they exited the stairs on the 67th floor they arrived at an indoor park at the center of which the party was taking place in a glass dome.

They all in sync hid behind two large bushes.
"So here's the plan, we divide into 2 teams and enter the dome from either side and quickly take out the villains inside, but before that, we need to clear the area of enemies. Mineta, take out the snipers in the vicinity and the rest of us will clear the ground."

The teams spread apart attacking some lonely and unsuspected guards. This was starting to feel like the Batman game Izuku used to play and show Momo.

Meanwhile, Mineta was jumping in and out of the vents and taking out snipers situated on vantage points.

After all, were taken care of they surrounded the giant dome and heard an elevator open at the end of the tunnel to see Bakugo, Kirishima, and Shoto walking out.

Kirishima being the funny talkative dude he is was about to run to his classmates until he saw Momo point a 50. cal rifle at him.

He hid behind Bakugo who was also quite scared but all 3 of them walked to the group.
"Listen here, I'll make it quick. Hostage situation inside Shoto attacks the roof of the dome from the left Kirishima from the right and Bakugo flies in quickly and explode the roof into the sky then me, Ida, Uraraka, Tsu, and Jirou will drop in from above while the rest enter from the sides and take out the villains inside."

They all nodded and the plan was a go
Shoto and Kirishima broke the roof apart as soon as they made contact Bakugo flew in at extreme speeds and blasted the roof covering the party in smoke as the whole building shook and in the guise of the dust and smoke the heroes infiltrated and entered the dome taking out all enemies that stood before them.

The hostages started at the smoke and once it was clear they all saw the young heroes standing above the unconscious villains.
The student then began to help the hostages to their feet and tried to free them.
Suddenly they were freed as the system turned green again signaling that Melissa had done her job.

All Might got up and upon making sure his wife was safe and ok he stood up and basically flew out of the room at insane speeds. He was possibly pissed off due to his pregnant wife had been put in danger.

-------------A few minutes prior----------------

Izuku tore apart the emergency hatch using black whip and entered the 99th floor he then ran towards the control tower only to find it completely ruined with a bleeding David shield on the floor.

Melissa ran to her father and checked to find him still alive, he looked his daughter in the eyes "Izuku quick you need to stop Wolfram he is planning on stealing all the high-end equipment on the island, he seemed to head to the roof."

"I will stop him, Melissa you deactivate the emergency measures while I go to stop Wolfram." "Got it Deku." she then took one last look at her father and went to the console. Meanwhile, Izuku ran to the roof.

And shot the door off he then found Wolfram in the middle and hit him in the gut at blinding speeds sending him into his helicopter and then tried to stop the plane only for Wolfram to smash him into the ground.
But Izuku altho failed to stop the attack, "How the hell did you even manage to get here this quick, I'm impressed."

Izuku stood up popping a few of his bones "Well, it was not that hard" Then the building shook again causing Wolfram to lose focus, Izuku took advantage of this and hit him in the stomach sending him nearly to the edge, and then jumped high in the air to slam his feet into Wolfram's hands resulting in him letting go and falling from the tower as Izuku watched him fall he sensed danger and jumped back only to barely dodge a giant spike coming out the floor as Wolfram rose up in some sort of metallic giant.

Izuku chuckled to himself as he stretched around looking at the giant, I'll take you seriously now. Just then booming voice roared from behind the giant as he turned around to be hit in the face by an angry All Might and sent straight to the floor Izuku just put his arms in his pockets as his father landed beside him. "Father?" "Son." "Everything ok?" "Yea, your mom's fine and healthy, but the same can not be said for this bastard." 

"Good as long as we're in agreement, let's fuck him up" All Might once again smiled as he rushed through the heart of the giant to not find its master then he turned around and his eyes widened. "Izuku watch out!" Izuku turned around only to feel too slow he was too slow to dodge what was coming.

Wolfram came out of the ground as if he was a part of it and stabbed Izuku in the right side of the chest and then launched himself away using a metal platform.

The rest of the students arrived at the roof to find Izuku there impaled and the villain hovering over the ground with All Might rushing over to Izuku. But before he could the villain sent an arm through the floor in front of him and touched his injury then as if he knew rune magic.

He removed the healing spell keeping all might healthy and keeping one for all in him.

All Might then fell down to the floor as he deflated into his skeletal form. Bakugo used his boosters to rush at the villain even catching him off guard and sending him off his platform into the air. And kept on pushing on with his attacks.

Shoto, Momo, and Ida jumped in to support him while the rest carried All Might and Izuku away.

"My hammer?" "It's locked in some magical bullshit and it seems to be connected to that." Mineta was pointing at some glowing necklace worn by Wolfram, Izuku cursed under his breath as he had failed to notice it before.

"Just trust the rest they will destroy it and then you can call your hammer and heal yourself," Mineta said applying pressure to the wound. 

"Bakugo, the necklace break it, that's what stopping Izuku from calling his hammer" "Thanks, grape head. YOU ARE A DEAD VILLAIN!!"

Bakugo said as he rose high up in the air and winding for an attack he rushed at the villain at an even faster speed than Izuku yelling.






see you next wednesday.

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