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"Kids come time for dinner." Said their mother. Spider, come on we got to go". Screamed the little sister tuk. " I'm coming just give me second.

(They all sit down and started discussing today incident)

"Boys you have got to be more careful when you are on a mission, you have to realize that if you want to be out there you need to follow rules"! jake said. Ma Jake enough with this topic today let's just into dinner today, Spider how was your day with Grandmother and the trainees. asked Neytiri 

"Grandmother shocked all of them, they thought because she was old that they could take her down easy, but me I just sat back, and watch and it was so funny mom the looks on their faces". Spider replied laugh. "It good you had a good day, did you and the girls go to visit the spirt tree today. "No, I was also at the shed today working with Neil and the others". "Okay, well make sure you all visit the spirt tree tomorrow, Teyam will join after his duty, now that everyone is done with their food get ready for sleep okay. 

(as the kids all drift into a deep sleep Neteyam seems to struggle as he slept, his mind went over his head as he sees himself in the water. he looks around to see his in the ocean, suddenly a blue figure shows out a nowhere he looks like a Navi but only lighter blue with wider body feature and a fish like tall. he reaches out to Neteyam but then he freaks out and starts drowning. Neteyam then shot up from his sleep wailing waking up everyone.)

"Neteyam what's wrong boy"? jake asked his son. "mawey brother mawey" Kiri said as she hugs her brother. "It happened again didn't it  Neteyam" Lo'ak said. "Yes, it happened again, I don't know why it keep happening what is the great mother telling me Kiri". He replied. "Can someone please inform me what's going on" jake said to the kids. "mawey dad, look we got it from here you and mom go back to sleep. Kiri said. "Okay, okay baby girl come on honey let's give the kids their space.

(The parents then walked out of the room and went back to them for sleep, while the kids continued on the conversation.)

Neteyam this is the fourth time this has happened to you when are you going to tell mom and dad it a connection from Eway" Kiri said. "I can't tell the Kiri and you know, plus what's the point it does not like we will ever meet". He replied. "Okay fine let's just go back to sleep we have a lot of things to do tomorrow especially you. Said Lo'ak. 

The next morning......

"Come on guys we have to go before eclipse." said tuk 

(After an hour a visiting the great mother, the kids made a check in with their parent after the check in and location conformation the kids make their way home only to run in to avatars only these avatars are not the same ones. They carried guns and were human clothes, the avatar than take the children try to call home base to get them in the plane) 

"Mom, sir tuk, kiri, lo'ak and spider haven't come back yet I think somethings wrong" Neteyam said worried.

(With that being said the three of them make their way to look for the others as they finally reach their area the search for the kids only to find them being held by avatar, it didn't take them long t figure out that the one of the avatars was the demon himself.  After finally constructing a plan, the start to attack the sky people after a n hour all the kids were rescued and went home)

"Jake we cannot do this what the about the people this our home, what about spider he's in danger too"! said Neytiri. " You know we can't take him with us, we'll let Neil watch over him and your mom t-- HE'S OUR SON Ma jake I'm not leaving him. Neytiri said. 

(After calming down the parents had come to an agreement and decided to tell the kids and the people in the morning)

next morning.....

"Kids we need to talk"- said Jake.


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