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At dawn, all the parents of the kids arrived as promised. Neytiri hopped off her Ikran and hugged her children, except for Neteyam who seemed upset. Jake tried to approach him, but Neteyam backed away, scared and upset. Neytiri also tried to comfort him, but to no avail. Neteyam blamed himself for breaking his promise to their grandmother and was on the verge of freaking out. 

Aonung, after being greeted by his parents, noticed Neteyam holding himself sadly. He wanted to comfort him, but his sister stopped him and gestured for him to wait. With a sad look, Aonung listened to his sister and went to check on Roxto instead.

(the sully eventually got Neteyam to calm down and relax and then they went to go check on Roxto)

"Hey, Roxto. How are you feeling?" asked Jake. "Mr. Sully, I didn't-" "Hey, no need to blame yourself, kid. You couldn't have known this would happen. But do you remember anything that happened before the attack?" Jake inquired. "Spider and I were just hanging out, telling stories, and having fun. Then a helicopter appeared, and we thought it was your brother, Norm. But Spider's face changed, and he warned me to run. Then, they grabbed him, and I pulled out my weapon to defend myself, but one of them got behind me," explained Roxto. And everything went black, and when I woke up he was gone". Roxto said trying not to cry.

(Roxto is hiding one specific thing from the story, you see he and Spider have grown closer, and well yesterday they were actually on a date, Roxto knows that he and Spider's relationship is complex but he doesn't care, he just wishes he had spider back.)

"hey look it's okay we'll get Spider back we just gotta figure out where he's hiding, and we'll bring him back," Jake said to Roxto.

( a little while later when everyone left Aonung went to visit Neteyam)

"hi teyam how are you feeling now," Aonung said putting his arm around the boy. "I miss my brother, I feel awful we promised our grandmother that we watch out for each other". He said.

"When I and Spider were little we were the best of friends, when I was born spider held me for hours, when we hit 9 and 10 we both were taught how to hunt and we made our own war wear, even when I had to learn to ride Ikran he was there in support when I was done my ikran also accept Spider". he continued

(as neteyam continues he started to cry)

"even though he looks like a human Spider has always and will be Navi, everything about him proves him to be Navi and even if he wasn't he's still my big brother no matter what". neteyam ended saying to Aonung. "I see Neteyam, I will help your family find him," Aonun said as he was about to  get up to go help-

"no please I've had to deal with sky people for years, I don't want anything to happen to you please just stay with me". Neteyam said. "okay teyam ill stay

(Neteyam laid back down and Aonung laid and help the darker Navi closer. They both stayed this way until they fell asleep.)

(with spider)

"We are gonna keep you here til you tell us something," said the General. Spider angrily responds in Navi. "okay you what you guys aren't getting to the kid throw him in the middle of an area and leave him there, we'll have to get the information another way"

(they then back Spider in a helicopter and after 15 or so spider is dropped off in a random beach area. once spider woke he went to find food and then decide to call his dad on his communicator)

"Spider, sprider are you okay". Jake said "Yeah I'm okay guys i'm stranded in the middle of some island I don't know where I'm at". "okay okay keep your communicator on and we are on our way to come to find you okay". jake

(after three hours of searching they finally found Spider in the middle of nowhere, Jake hopes off and goes to hug his son.)

"you disappear I'm putting a knot in year braid," Jake said with tears. "sorry Father" Spider replies. (spider then goes to his mom who was crying and hugged her)

"Est Mawey MaMa" Spider said.

(Neytiri automatically laughed in her cry. She would always love when Spider called her mama when he was little. after the embrace, they fly back to the island, all the kids ran when they saw their brother. once spider was done hugging Kiri, loak. and tuk, he walked over to his little brother. Neteyam was crying again)

"you're okay teyam, I'm okay". Spider said to his little brother as he pats his head. 

(once the hugs were done, Spider laid his eyes on Roxto and ran to hug him)

"Spider, are you alright? Did they hurt you badly?" Roxto asked with concern. "I'm fine, just glad you're back," Spider reassured. "Roxto, it's best if you go home now. Sullies, please take your son and go home as well," demanded Ronal. "Mother, why are you so hostile?" Aonung inquired. "Don't you dare question me, boy! Roxto, go home! Sully's children and Jake, go to the hut now!" Ronal screamed, her tone harsh and commanding.

Everyone followed her instructions except for Neytiri.

"What was that about Ronal"?! she asked angrily. "keep child away from the people, it is not his kind". Ronal replied. "what does that mean"? Neytiri said getting pissed off. 

"They bonded"!!! RONAL SCEARMED.


At daybreak, as agreed, all the parents of the children arrived. Neytiri dismounted from her Ikran and embraced her offspring, except for Neteyam, who appeared distressed. Jake attempted to approach him, but Neteyam recoiled in fear and distress. Despite Neytiri's efforts to console him, he held himself accountable for failing to keep their grandmother's promise and was on the verge of a meltdown.

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