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(it's been three weeks since everything has come out to the families, the boys are happy and healthy and enjoy their relationships. a little after the day the kids decided to have fun on the beach until their parents called to discuss specific topics with them)

"children as you all know everyone has come to the senses of the relationships that you are in, but I still have questions for Neteyam and Aonung, rotxo and Spider, and the siblings because when the time comes we will bugg the other couple in the room," said ronal looking at Lo'ak and her daughter with a hinting ace cause the two of them to blush.

"First things first spider how did you and Rotxo, you know mate"? asked his parents. "um if I tell you guys you promise you won't freak out". he said. *the parents nod*

(spider proceeds to get up the Navi boy begins to untangle his hair and bushes it back, revealing his ears and his long braid dropping down, everyone looks in shock except Rotxo)

"surprise"! spider said while looking around. "Spider, how did you". Neytiri asked in shock. "it's eway mom she gave me this gift, I'm able to mate with my partner, it has slowly been happening for a while now, honestly I'm surprised nobody was seeing the difference in my height. "not also to mention Grandmother knew about it for a while, she planned to tell you guys but, then we left". spider contained

(everyone then backs up to look at Spider only to see that the boy has grown very tall and when Jake went to touch Spider paint on his body it wasn't coming off. Spider smiled as well as Rotxo and everyone else was in complete shock but happy for the boy)

"Okay, okay we will get into more detail about this later, neteyam and Aonung, Neteyam when did you know about the baby"? ronal asked. "it was the day I freaked out about leaving well actually I knew I could have kids for a long time". Neteyam said.

"When I was 14 I asked Uncle Norm to run tests on me, I wanted to learn more about my mix genes, and that's when I found out about me being able to be pregnant and that on the second mate cycle, I would bare a child, that day I and Aonung had been together before the argument". he said.

"and that's why you freaked out", Teyam you're supposed to tell me these things, now I feel awful for yelling at you," Spider said. "I know, I was just really scared I should have told you, but yeah that's why I yelled not to go home and why I left and why Aonung found me that way, I stress myself out and I could have hurt the baby". Neteyam said as he hold his stomach.

"Neteyam, it's okay your okay the babies okay, you know you and Spider keep many things from us which is why you two are so connected but at the same time, we are your parent your supposed to be able to communicate with us". jake said. "Exactly no more hiding anything," said Neytiri.

"Now as for the little bird keepers, how much of all these secrets did you kids know". the parent said as they turn to Lo'ak, Kiri, Tuk, and Tsyirea. Let's see 1,2,- we knew everything except for the baby and spider's new features, and Neteyams testing genes" Lo'ak said spilling out everything.

"so you knew about the engagement," said Ronal and Neytiri. "yes"! the siblings said in unison. "and you knew about the visions," said Jake and Tonowari. "use the kids say once again in unison.

"Okay well now that that cleared up there's only a few more things to say, we have all been talking and we I mean us your parents have been talking and I think it would be best if all the kids and me and Neyitiri go visit the forest" jake said

(the kids all grew smiles on their faces and jumped for joy except Neteyam didn't jump)

"so kids we leave tomorrow to go visit home and Aonung, Rotxo, and Tsyirea are going with us and we will fly so you three get ready, then later when we come back we will discuss a more serious topic". Jake said.

(after the meeting everyone went their own separate ways and decided to either go have fun or pack for tomorrow's trip, the excited go-to team ended up falling asleep while Aonung packed for them)



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