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(it's been two weeks and Aonung and Neteyam have been having their lessons. Aonung had taught neteyam and in return, the boys share stories and laugh with each other. today was one of the days Aonung was hanging with his friends and in  return, they went for walk on the beach and run into Kiri who is just under the water staring)

"oh guys check it out it's one of the freaks," said one of the boys. " I still can't believe they have to stare hear they don't belong here". they continued

(Kiri then popped out of the water and asked them if they said anything, aonung laughed and slightly him to say something)

"Are you some kinda freak"? aonung said to the girl "He asked if you are a freak" reacted a boy.

(Kiri decided to walk away from them but all they did and conducted messing with her even touching her hands and insulting her about having demon blood, after a minute or so Lo'ak appears and tries to stop them from messing with Kiri however they start to mess with him< Spider and Neteyam were talking and saw the seen go on and neteyam got mad, he walked over to around and pushed him away from his brother. he and Aonung stare at each other vigorously)

"Kiri, look are you okay"? spider said worriedly. we're a fine spider, neteyam we're okay please just walk away," Kiri said. "from now on you need to respect my sister," neteyam said. "why should we respect you freaks, you don't belong here" said the random boy. "neteyam leave them their not worth it"! spider said to his little brother.

( it didn't matter to him whether or not he would get into trouble. Neteyam looks at aonung who looks as if he didn't have a care in the world. it hit him his dream was right neteyam was going to get hurt. he decided to just walk away but Loak saw the hurt in his brother's eyes, and he walked up to aonung mocking himself. then he punched the boy in the face causing a fight to break out. both spider and neteyam joined in the fight. neteyam the tackled Aonung )

"get off me neteyam, get off me you freak" aonung yelled. "no, no I'm not dying because of you I won't die I refuse to die" Neteyam screamed back. 

(they got the attention of the rest of the sully kids they then go to pull off their brother who was not crying, an elder then showed up and stopped the fight Aonung friends felt the seen, and Anoung who was mortally confused and stood there in shock to see the boy freaking out, Neteyam has finally calmed down a bit but is still crying, jake and Neytiri come to see the kids expect Kiri with bruises and Neteyam crying in spiders arms, Anoung parents already came to get him a while. the family waited until Neteyam calmed more then went back to their hut.)

"go apologize to Aonung Lo'ak," Jake told Lo'ak. "Dad, no he bullied them he called them freaks don't do it please he's wrong," Neteyam said. "Look I don't know what going on with you Neteyam but I told your brother to go make peace with the boy, I don't want him to but he's the chiefs son and he has to respect that, Now Lo'ak Go"! and Neteyam go to your room and calm down"! Jake said to both of the boys and they did so as they were told.

(it had been three hours and it was already dark. Loak hasn't come home yet. Neteyam then walks to the beach to look for his brother, only to find Aonung and some of his friends from earlier.)

"WHERE IS MY BROTHER"! Neteyam yelled at them 

(they all jumped and ran everyone except Aonung he stood there in shock as Neteyam came up to his face. Aonung grow the courage to tell Neteyam what happened and just like that. the boy grabbed Aonung by his hair and dragged him when he reach his place Aonung and Neteyam's parents were already there along with his Aonung siblings. Neteyam then yanked on the boy's braid making him hiss in front of everyone)

"tell them what you told me," he said and then let go of the boy's hair. "it was supposed to be a harmless prank but when we went back he was gone" Anoung explained

(Tonowari then sent out search parties to look for the sully boy. After an hour Lo'ak made it back on his own his mother goes and hugs him and his dad checks for any wounds or injuries. after the whole scene, Anoung then looks over at Neteyam who looked hurt. Anoung they walked over to the boy grabbed his hand and caused a scene in front of the clan)

"I'm sorry Teyam". he said "You put my baby brother's life at risk, he could have died all because you are like a baby! STUPID IGNORANT LIKE A CHILD! Neteyam shouted. "wait please I- Spider then jumped in front and hissed at Aonung and then he and Neteyam continued to walk back with the rest of their family.

(after the outburst Aonung made his way home with his sister following right behind him)

"you are out of line brother, what were you thinking", how are you to be chief if you do this to the people regardless if they are ours or not," She said angrily "You have upset the sullys, me and mother and father and you upset Neteyam" she continued. "so what it's not like I care for him I can't!" Anoung replied. "open your eyes, brother, I KNOW ABOUT EVERYTHING, I KNOW WHO NETEYAM IS TO YOU"! Tsyirea screamed. "it would never be sister, you know this so please stop screaming at me I'm going to bed.

(they both lay in their bed silently crying themselves to sleep and dream of one another and the embrace they so desperately crave for one another)


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