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(it was now time for the group to travel for the week back to Pandora, everyone was assigned different Riding instructions, L'oak and tsireay rode together, Spider and Roxto were taking Neteyam ikran, neteyam, and Aonung rode with Jake only because Neteyam was in no condition to fly his ikran and kiri and Neytiri switch off with tuk. The metkiyan kids say their goodbyes and hugs from families and then make their way to the ikran. After countless flying hours the group finally lands at home, where they are greeted by the people)

"wow well now I know how you feel Ma teyam, we stick out like a sore thumb here" Aonung said. "good imma need you to suffer for a few days okay" neteyam said with his little laugh.

(two minutes later Mo'at makes her way through the people to greet her family home)

"I've missed you all, have all gotten so big since I saw you Who are these new people you bring home"? she asked. "well grandmother these are Tsireay, rotxo, and Aonung our mates" Netyam said.

"mates to whom"? mo'at asked. Tsireay is Lo'ak mate, rotxo is spiders, and aonung is mine. "well I welcome you to our home, since you will be staying with us you must learn the ways of our people and because you are part of metkyian we do have bodies of water you can swim in as well, but enough information right now we have prepared food for your welcome home, please join us," said Mo'at.

(the group all split up into groups as they ate each of the metkiyan kids was trying new things and they very much enjoyed the new flavors and tastes)

(with Mo'at, Jake, and Neytiri...)

"how have things been," Mo'at asked. "it has been good and much mother we had many surprises happen while there, spider got kidnapped by those demons, him and Neteyam gotten sick and were out for a few days, Spider changed to mother look". Neytiri said. "given know this would happen for a while about spiders changes, I'm glad he is alright now and Neteyam how long," Mo'at said

"how long what Mother" Neytiri said. "he is poking his stomach how long" She said once more. "you know mother". Neytiri said in shock. "yes i touched his belly when i was saying welcoming him home, I'm happy for them and plus i will be a great grandmother and see them before a join Eway". Mo'at said with a smile.

"Also since you have returned it would be the perfect time for Tuk to receive her ikran and for me to give lessons to Neteyam and Rotxo training in being tshaki" Mo'at continued as she ate. "why rotxo I understand Neteyam but Rotxo," said Jake. "it will not be long before spider and rotxo are to conceive perhaps they already are, but eventually one of the boys has to come home to be the next chief for the people". mo'at said "What about Lo'ak? said Jake. he's still too young besides I feel he may not want to take on the life but eat come on now I haven't seen my family for years I'm happy you are home," she said.

(after the feast was over the group of kids all went to the forest to have races and to climb and enjoy their time, the metkyian kids weren't used to the climbing but eventually, they started to enjoy themselves. an hour after that the group went to visit the lab guys. Rotxo, Tsireay, and Aonung were very surprised by everything considering the sky people they saw were evil but these ones were warms and friendly, Thier uncle norm welcomed the newbies and the kids all went to hug him, Neteyam even told him about the baby. After an eventful night all the groups retuired into the hameks)

"you home is very beautiful Ma teyam, such a beautiful home, our little one will be so beautiful". Aonung said. "what do you belive the little one two look like". Neteyam said. "as long as the have your beauty and heart and both our colors, but even if not that they will be beautiful and love" Aonung wishpers as he closely cuddles neteyam and the kisses his belly.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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