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"WHAT?! HOW DARE YOU BOY!" Ronal screamed.

(rotxo ear slides down as he gets yelled at by his aunt. Ronal glared over to the sully with an expression of anger Neytiri. )

"Leave the boy on the bed and get out". Ronal demanded

(as hours passed Ronal had finally seen progress in the two boys. She looked at both of them with an expression of anger, especially Spider. Rotox and the sully family walk into the medical hut)

"your boys will be alright, they just need rest now". Said ronal as she walked away taking Roxto with her

(ronal takes Rotxo to her family home. She the place the boy to sit, in anger she calls for her family, and as they see Rotxo they knew trouble was going to happen)

"you two allowed him to bond with that thing"! Ronal said to her children. "we had no control over their choices Mother we believe it is a sign for Eway". Said the daughter. "ronal glared at the child.

"you do not see him again Rotxo, Once the Sullys leave you will bond with Navi from our clan"! Said ronal. "spider will never leave me he promised, we both did, Auntie cant you see the beauty in our bond Spider is a blessing a Gift" Roxto pleaded.



"Auntie, you are closed-minded, ever since the sully arrived you treated them like you have known heart", you have called them cowards, babies, freaks, and outcasts, you even insult the species". He continued

"You do not speak to me this way, I'm a tshaki show respect, you have decided to let them corrupt your minds, Lo'ak that boy has caused trouble since he arrived, Kiri that child is not normal nor is the youngest tuk she abnormal and let us not forget the two older bo---


(ronal looks at the children and see that she had went too far with her words. Especially to her older son Aonung who she hasn't seen cry since he was a little boy)

"I can't take you anymore Mom, excuse me I'm leaving said Aonung. "aonung don't you dare walk away when I speak so some respect" she screamed at her son. "Respect, Mother I have shown you respect since the day I was born, but this your wrong!" he said. "you are so close-minded that you are hurting your family". he continued. "look at Rotxo and my sister you hurt them clearly mother if you had any since you would see that they are hurt by your words.

"I am your mother I only want what's best for you and your sister, my nephew our family, and those things are not it, we won't even be having this conversation if your father didn't let them stay" Ronal continues to rant to her son

"I don't care what you say anymore, Auntie"! I and Spider are bonded for life and I love him and he loves me and when he wakes up, ill be happy to go with him". Rotxo said. "you are so stupid that you can't even see what's happening under your nose. he said

"as long as you are my family you will stay among your people," she said. "you think you can control our lives is that it, you have no say in who we love" Aonung continued to argue with his mother. "and what are you going to do about it Aonung, matter of fact why does any of this matters to you, you are about to be 19 the right time to receives tattos and became the next leader and you still haven't found a mate, YOU ALWAYS HANGING OUT WITH THAT CREATURE!

(AONUNG HISSES AT HIS MOTHER! Ronal stand in shock and sees more tears coming from her son's face. his sister and Rotxo then go to his side)

"did it ever occur to you Mother, that I have already suffered enough, don't bring Neteyam into this, you aren't allowed". aonung said wiping his face. "Brother let us go to check on Spider and Neteyam okay". his sister said.

(aonung looks at his baby sister giving her a small nod)

(the children left Ron speechless. toward  walked over to her and crouched down)

"you have done and said many hurtful things ronal, and I warned you", you went too far and you know you are wrong for how you acted. tonowari said

"I have my right to do so". ronal. "you will lose the trust of our children and you will gain loneliness if you continue," Tonowari said and walked out of the hut.


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