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(two days later...)

(the metkyian children and Sully family sat in the medical hut, about an hour later the boys woke up from their long slumber. Neteyam and Spider took deep breaths and sat up slowly only to see themselves sick and their family surrounding them.)

"my sons your okay," said Neytiri as she walked over to place both boys' hands on her face. "what happened. said neteyam. "you uhm, you ran away from us when we had an argument," Jake said with a shaky voice. "but uhm Aonung found you and brought you here, but then spider he could feel that something was wrong and then he- he just passed out". Jake continued as his voice got shakier.

"Aonung found me"? Neteyam said question. 

(neteyam then looked in Aonung's direction he sees that the boy had been crying)

"yeah I was going to three brothers, but I saw you on the side of the island and you were just laying there and you wouldn't move, so I picked you up and brought you here". Aonung said holding back tears. "you two have caused us to cry for two days straight, hell more than that, but it's okay we will be going home soon". Neytiri said two of her sons

Neteyam looks over to aonung. who looks hurt. Aonung, rotxo, and his sister make their way two leave the tent when they are stopped)

"you guys don't have to go, please stay". said Spider sadly

"We just came to check on you guys, and you're okay besides you need to be alone with your family," Aonung said and walked out taking his sister and cousin with him

(after the three left they walked far away from the tent and then the three kids feel to their knees and hugged each other tight as they cried. However, spider and Neteyam could since the three sadness and they began to cry as well, five minutes into their tears they went to calm both of his older boys)

"you two don't have to say anything, but you are obviously hurting inside from keeping secrets, and Spider we know about Rotxo," Jake said two the boys which caused Spider to cry harder.

"Dad it hurts, it hurts so much. " I love him so much, I can't leave him, I can't lose him". Spider said crying even harder

(the sound of the boy's tears upset and worried the younger sibling and their mother. Neytiri finally saw all the pain in her children's eyes, spider may have opened up but Neteyam remained silent but crying)

"Mama, how could eway do this to me, I'm Navi but I'm not, I was born of a killer, why did you love me I wish I was never born! spider said still upset.

Those words shocked the family, especially his mother. She goes to her son hugging him tightly

"don't speak those words, you are my son, my boy, my baby boy, you are nothing like the demon, I raised you, Ma Jake is your father, not the demon, it pains me to see that the great mother has brought you pain but also joy," Neytiri said to spider.

(spider smiled happily through his tears and eventually calm down. Neteyam on the other hand just kept crying, as for Aonung and the others they eventually came back to the medical hut, to see the wave of emotion that was happening. Rotxo went to Spider and hugged him then they shared a kiss. Jake had let go of Neteyam and Aonung went over to the boy and fell to the ground and start crying again)

" I thought id lost you, I thought you were dead my heart shattered and I went numb, Ma Teyam I was so scared," Anoung said as he comfort his finance.

(Jake and Neytiri finally understood Neteyams actions for the past few months)

"you can't leave me, I won't make it if you die- I- I love you"! he said. " I love you too, and there is a reason I had been found that way". Neteyam said. "why"? aonung question. "away she showed me our future our life" She has blessed us with a child Ma Nung"




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