I want to go home

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Jamie Drysdale x reader

Tate has never had one home. To her, home is a feeling. One that brings her comfort and warmth. She feels most at home with Jamie. Sometimes she just wants to go to her home, Jamie.
This chapter contains swearing.

Tate's POV

I'm currently sat in my room, trying not to cry. I have had a terrible fucking day. I want to scream. I have had a headache all day, and my whole body hurts. I just want Jamie. I'm currently at his and Trevor's house, then having given me a key. I heard the garage door open, and began wiping my tears. The door open and Trevor walked in. My heart stopped. Jamie wasn't home.

Trevor looked at me, noticing my puffy red eyes, and tear stained cheeks and sweatshirt. " Oh t, what's wrong?" He asked, slowly making his way over to me. I broke. I began sobbing, feeling broken. He walked over to me, pulling me into a much needed, comforting hug. "It's ok, let it all out. I'm here, Jamie just had to stop to pick up dinner for us three" he reassured me. I nodded, still clinging to me. He was like home, like Jamie. He even smelled like him. He held me in comfort, knowing I had a terrible day from the group chat earlier. We stayed like that for awhile until Jamie came home. He came in with food in his hands. As soon as his hands were free, I jumped into his arms.

I felt so safe. My legs were around his torso, my hands tight around his neck. My head buried itself into the crook between his neck and his shoulder blade. His hands were on my thighs, holding me comfortably, and his head was pressing soft kisses to my forehead. I began crying, finally feeling like I'm home. Jamie felt me tears, pulling my head out of his neck softly. He moved us so that I was sat on the counter, him between my legs. He wiped my tears gently, before leaning in to give me a gentle kiss on my forehead. He gave me a sad smile, before asking " what can I do to make it better?" I though for a moment before saying "movie night and cuddles?". He smiled, moving it to the table so we could eat first. Trevor had set everything up at the table. I was still being a little clingy, so I sat on Jamie's lap and ate. He had one arm around me, the other eating. Trevor smiled at us, before saying " You guys really are like my parents. We all laughed, me already feeling much better. We really are like a little family, with Trevor as our kid.

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