Clingy girl

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Jamie Drysdale x Hughes!reader

Lexi Hughes has always struggled with desperation anxiety. When she was younger, she would go everywhere with her brothers. Same thing with Trevor when she moved In with him, and eventually Jamie. No one can understand why she stays with him the most, but they respect their bond with one another.

Lexi's POV

I hate today. My anxiety is through the roof. I'm currently waiting for the boys to get home so we can get ready for dinner. The whole team and the wags have a team dinner, me included. Even though I'm not dating anyone on the team, I go everywhere with Jamie and Trevor. I sat anxiously waiting for the boys to get home, my body aching to be near a human again. I'm not quite sure when my anxiety started, but I have always been like this.

I heard the door open, trevor calling out "we're home Lexi!" I ran to the entryway to see the boys. Trevor pulled me into a slight hug, sending my anxiety was extra bad today. He held me close, saying something I didn't understand. I was just so happy. I walked over to Jamie, his arms already open. I practically stuck myself to him like glue. He held me close, me inhaling the scent of his cologne. I don't ever want to leave his side. However, he had to shower. Normally this wouldn't be a problem and I would just wait outside. However today I just couldn't be alone and Jamie realized this quickly.

We went to his room, before he started talking. "Hey lex, I need to shower. Will you be ok out here alone, or do you want to come in the bathroom with me?" He asked. Some might find That weird, but me and Jamie are so close and we had both seen each other naked before, so it was no big deal. "Can I join you in the bathroom please? It's really bad today" I whispered, feeling like a burden. "Of course you can come in, I don't mind. I just want you to feel comfortable." That was how we got into our current position. I was sat on Jamie's bathroom counter, the half wall being just high enough that I don't see anything. We sat tehre talking while Jamie showered. I was already feeling a lot better. I had my legs dangling off the counter, my fingers playing with a ring on my hand.

Jamie got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. He came and stood next to me. His hair was a mess and he needed to shave. He began styling his hair, me finishing it for him. "I need to shave" he told me, looking at his scruff in the mirror. "It looks cute though" I complimented, him blushing slightly. He ended up shaving, as well as getting dressed. He had on some jeans and a plain white tee with some Nike blazers. He threw on his chain and a baseball hat, putting it on backwards.

We then went to my room so I could get ready. I didn't have much to do, my hair already being done. Just some makeup and my outfit. I sat on Jamie's lap while doing my makeup. " you know, you look really cute when you do your makeup" he commented.

"Hey Lexi?" He asked shyly. I was hesitant to respond, unsure of what he would say. "Yea Jamie?"
He took a deep breath before slowly saying "we have been friends for a long time, and I don't want to be friends anymore. Will you be my girlfriend, Alexis Hughes?" I smiled, before kissing him. " of course I will be your girlfriend Jamie" I pulled away, smiling.

That night at dinner, everyone could tell the pair was extra happy, then telling the team at the end of dinner. And it all happened because of a clingy girl.

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