love - 26/4/23

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Love is a force that drives us all
It's the warmth of the sun and the beauty of fall
It's the way we feel when we're in someone's arms
A feeling that can protect us from harm.Love is the light that shines in the dark
It's the spark that ignites the brightest of sparks
It's the hope that we carry in our hearts
And the flame that never truly departs

Love can be gentle and love can be fierce
It can bring us joy and it can bring us tears
But no matter the form, love remains
A feeling that will forever sustain

It's the way we feel when we see a smile
Or hear a laugh that stretches out for a mile
It's the way our hearts beat faster and true
When we're with the one we know we always knew

So let love guide you through the highs and lows
Let it wrap around you like a warm embrace that glows
For in its embrace, you will find solace and peace
And a never-ending feeling that will never cease

In love, we find the magic of life
The light that shines through every strife
And though it may take some time to find
When we do, we'll know that love is truly kind

—Elias Kingston—

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