wrong body - 29/4/23

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I wake up every day feeling wrong
Like my body just doesn't belong
It's like a prison I cannot escape
A fate I never chose, but had to takeI look in the mirror and what do I see?
Not the person I feel I should be
I want to break free from these chains
To live as myself, without any constraints

But society tells me I'm wrong
That this body is where I belong
They say I have to just accept
The gender assigned at birth, no room for neglect

But how can I just give in and comply
When every day it feels like a lie?
I long to be seen for who I am inside
Not just this shell that I reside

It's like being stuck in an endless fight
Against a world that refuses to see my light
But I won't let their ignorance hold me back
I'll keep fighting until my true self is unpacked

Someday I hope society will understand
That this struggle is not just a phase or demand
That being true to oneself is a basic right
To live as we are, not just as assigned at first sight

Until then, I'll keep pushing through
To find a way to live as true
To break free from this body so wrong
And finally feel like I truly belong.

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