one sided - 26/4/23

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One sided love, a painful journey
Full of longing and uncertainty
The heart beats fast, the mind in doubt
Wondering what it's all about Feelings deep and emotions strong
But the other person just moves along
It's like reaching out to grab thin air
And finding nothing, just despair

The heart aches with every passing day
As hope slowly fades away
Dreams of a future that will never come
Leaves the heart feeling numb

Yet still, the love persists
Ignored, rejected, but never missed
A one-sided love that burns so bright
But never fully takes flight

Tears fall like rain in the dark of night
Longing for a love that is right
But sometimes love is just one way
No matter how hard we try to sway

So we must learn to let go
Release the pain, and let it flow
For though the love may never be returned
Our hearts can still be healed, and lessons learned.

—Elias Kingston—

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