Longing - 30/4/23

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Every time I see him, my heart skips a beat
My love for him is bittersweet
I want to blurt out how I feel
But I know it wouldn't be idealHe's the boy with curly hair
And I can't help but stare
I want to run my fingers through his locks
But I know it would be like hitting rocks

I long to tell him how I feel
To let my heart out and let it heal
But the timing never seems quite right
And I'm left with my feelings, day and night

His dirty blonde hair is so enticing
I dream of it, so mesmerizing
But he's not mine to hold or touch
And it hurts me so much

So I'll keep my feelings hidden deep
And continue to silently weep
For the boy with curly hair
That I can't have, no matter how much I care

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