self harm 2 - 29/4/23

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I can't stop it, this urge to harm
My skin, my body, my mental alarm
It's an addiction that I can't shake
And every cut is a mistake
I've tried to quit, to leave it behind

But the pain inside is always on my mind
Every scar tells a different story
Of my struggle for control and glory

The only one who could ease my pain
Is the one who has left me in disdain
I begged for help, for them to stay
But they turned and walked away

Now I'm left with this addiction
This constant urge, this painful affliction
I wish I could break free, be whole
But instead I'm trapped in this dark hole

I know I need to find a way out
But the path is unclear, filled with doubt
Until then, I'll keep hurting myself
Finding temporary relief, then back on the shelf

I pray for strength, for love, for light
To defeat this demon that haunts my night
But until then, I'll keep on going
Through the pain, the tears, and the knowing

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