pagan - 26/4/23

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Paganism is a path of old
A connection with nature that is bold
It's a way of life that honors the Earth
And all the beings that make up its worth.It's a reverence for the Goddess and God
The divine feminine and masculine broad
A belief in balance and harmony
In the cycles of life, death, and reentry

For pagans, the world is alive
Filled with spirits that help us thrive
From the rocks to the trees to the streams
They all have a voice in our dreams

We celebrate the turning of the wheel
The seasons that come and go with a feel
With rituals and spells and offerings
To honor the spirits and bring blessings

The moon is our guide and our friend
As we dance and chant from beginning to end
Full moons and dark moons and in-between
Each one holds magic, each one is seen

We call upon the elements four
Earth, air, fire, water and more
To help us in our works and deeds
And to bless us with their powers and needs

The pentacle is our symbol, so true
A star that represents the elements too
With the fifth point as spirit above
A connection to the divine we love

We believe in the power of the mind
Of visualization and intent to find
For magic is a part of who we are
A tool to shape our lives like a star

But paganism is not just about spells
Or casting circles and weaving wells
It's a way of life that can be seen
In how we interact with all beings

We strive to live in harmony and peace
To lessen our impact and increase
Our connection to the Earth and its ways
To honor life in all of its plays

So let us walk this path of old
With respect for nature that is bold
And may the Goddess and God guide our way
As we live our lives each and every day

—Elias Kingston—

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