my curly haired boy - 26/4/23

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I love a boy with curly hair
Whose locks dance wildly in the air
Each coil and spiral, a work of art
That captures and entrances my heartWith each touch, his curls come alive
A vibrant energy that seems to thrive
And as I run my fingers through each strand
I feel like I'm holding magic in my hand

His curls seem to have a mind of their own
A wild spirit that's free to roam
And as I watch them bounce and play
I'm filled with joy in every way

There's something about those curly locks
That inspires a love that never stops
For they hold a beauty and depth so rare
That it's impossible not to care

So to my boy with curly hair
Know that my love for you will always be there
As we journey together, hand in hand
Through life's adventures and all its grand

And though your curls may one day gray
My love for you will never sway
For in your heart, I've found a home
And with each curl, my love has grown.

—Lila May—

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