body dysmorphia - 27/4/23

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Body dysmorphia, a cruel condition,
A battle fought within the mind's rendition,
A distortion of reality that takes hold,
And disrupts the image we once told.It starts with small thoughts that grow,
Feeding on insecurities that we know,
A fixation on flaws, real or imagined,
That leaves us feeling helpless and saddened.

The mirror becomes an enemy, not a friend,
Reflecting a twisted image to no end,
A hurtful reminder of what we see,
And what we think we're supposed to be.

Clothes that once fit now seem too tight,
Images in our mind that keep us up at night,
An obsession that consumes every thought,
A cycle of self-hatred that's hard to stop.

But there is hope for those who suffer,
A path that leads to recovery and discovery,
A chance to change the way we see ourselves,
And find peace in our own unique shells.

With therapy, support, and self-love,
We can break free from the grip of the above,
And learn to accept and appreciate who we are,
No matter how different, unique, or bizarre.

Body dysmorphia may be a struggle,
But it doesn't have to be a lifelong juggle,
There is help and hope along the way,
For those who seek to heal and find a better day.

So let us talk about body dysmorphia with compassion,
And seek to understand the challenge and the passion,
Of those who live with this condition every day,
And try to find a way to help them find their way.

—Lila May—

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