A New School, A New Life

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A/N: This is from a role play that me and my best friend started a while back. We met online last year but she forgot to tell her parents about me and so they stopped us from talking to each other. So I'm writing this fanfic as a way for me to remember her and the amazing time we've had together. I'll miss you, Shae.



 A girl walked up the steps to a small apartment complex, the wind blowing her long dark hair. She looked down at the dress she was wearing: a yellow monstrosity that was her new school uniform. It was too puffy! Nothing she could do about it though... Hmph. As she reached the right door she rang the doorbell.

 "Kate, are you up? Time to go to school." She said. After a few minutes of no response, she sighed. "Come on! We can't be late on our first day! Kate!"

 From inside, a crashing could be heard. Shae sighed again and waited, knowing it wouldn't be long now.

 Slowly, the door opened to show a sleepy looking blonde girl. "...what...?" Shae walked past her and into the kitchen.

 "It's our first day at this new school and you sleep in? Come on, we can't be late. You go get dressed and I'll make you breakfast." As she said that, she was already pulling eggs out of the fridge.

 "Oh! I totally forgot! You're a lifesaver, Shae!" Kate ran back into her room to change. Six minutes later, she was practically a new person; hair was fixed and in curls but slightly wet, make-up was on, uniform was in place, she was ready to go as soon as she ate.

 Shae handed her the egg burrito, "You can eat and walk at the same time, right?"

 "Yep! Let's go!"

 The way to the school wasn't quiet in the least, the blonde talking non-stop as she ate her burrito.

 "Oo! Also, when I was waiting for you yesterday outside the office, I heard some girls talking about a club at school; a, uh... what was it called... a Host Club! Why don't we check it out later?"

 Shae gave the girl a look. "Oh really? Do you have any idea what it's about?"

 "Not a clue!" Kate had her smile still in place, "But a lot of girls were talking about it, I tried to ask them but then one started squealing, then they all started fangirling and a crowd of girls formed around some guys. So it has to be good! Can we go? Please!"

 "Why do I have to come? Can't you go on your own?"

 "No! You know I'm shy for a while before I can be myself with new people! They'd probably get really bored of me...! Please! You are my best friend and I'll never ask you for anything else if you come!"

 Shae laughed, "Yeah, we both know that's a lie. But fine, I'll come with you."

 "Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Kate was about to hug her but was stopped.

 "Finish your burrito; I don't want food in my hair or my clothes on my first day. Why do you want to go so badly anyway? It's not like you know what they actually do there."

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