When You Love Someone, All Your Saved Up Wishes Come Out

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The next day, a day before the Host Club left for the twins' beach house, Kate was avoiding the twins and Tamaki, mostly Tamaki and Hikaru though. It was too awkward now... Kate was oblivious to it, but apparently Tamaki had had a crush on her and was hurt when he saw her confess to Hikaru. As for Hikaru, she had no idea how to act around him. Did she just act normal? Did she act clingy, or lovey dovey? She couldn't be herself, right?

So when she arrived at school, she went to the music room, where Reiko-sensei was; asking to help out as something to do. Of course the twins found out about it though and did the same. So Kate couldn't slack off as she worked, keeping so busy with helping carry things that the twins couldn't get close to her.

Fifteen minutes before classes started, Kate snuck away unnoticed by the twins and made her way to one of the many libraries in the school.

"Hey..." Kaoru said, looking around the backstage of the theater. "Where did Kate go?"

Hikaru stopped painting one of the props and looked around as well. "She was just there helping with the carriage...! How did she get away that fast?"

Kaoru put his paintbrush down and started walking to the exit, Hikaru following. "She couldn't have gotten far. Do you get the feeling she's avoiding you?"

"Why me? Why not us?"

"Because you're her first boyfriend and she probably doesn't know how to handle it without being awkward." Kaoru deadpanned at his twin. Hikaru just looked away, not knowing what to say that his brother wouldn't use against him.

It wasn't long before they saw her sneaking into one of the libraries and going to the back corner.

"What could she be doing...? She hardly comes to the library, it's boring here." Hikaru complained, until Kaoru shushed him and pointed at the person sitting at the table their blonde friend was going to.


They watched the two girls talk for a while, Kate pleading about something and Haruhi looking exasperated; but they boys couldn't hear what was being said, nor get any closer with risk of being caught. So they settled for trying to read lips.

The girls didn't part ways until they heard the school bell ring.

"Alright," Haruhi said, sighing and rubbing her temples, "I'll do it."

"Thank you so much!" Kate hugged the cross-dresser and picked up her study papers for her. "You have no idea how happy they'll all be to see you again!"

"I can imagine... See you then."

"Bye bye...!" Kate skipped out of the library, feeling accomplished with herself. Everything would be right with the world soon enough. Hopefully. Who knew what would happen when Kate tried to set things up.

"Oh, Ka-chan~" The twins called, coming up behind her. Kate froze for a second, her foot hovering in mid-air as she was about to take a step, then continued walking at a faster pace. Soon enough though, it had turned into an all out chase.

Halfway to their classroom, they forgot why they were running through the schools and just raced to see who could get to the classroom first. It was close, but the boys couldn't beat the country girl that grew up running from bulls.

"You seriously tried playing tag with a bull?" The twins asked at the same time as they sat in their desks.

"Yeah. Being in the country like I was, with not much to do, you had to find your own entertainment. I'd always dive under the fence or- if I had enough time- climb a tree if I felt I couldn't win the race."

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