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Today was a new day.

The sun was shining brighter than it had in a while.

Bliss was refreshed and filled with wisdom.

Her mother's advice blessed her heart and flushed her cheeks simultaneously.

Now, she felt ready to take on the newness that was sure to come.

And thankfully, her mother was fully taking charge of everything regarding her studio. She wanted Bliss to enjoy the coming days without any additional heaviness and responsibilities plaguing her.

It seemed like everything was in place for her to move forward, allowing God to do as He willed with her future.

Her hands, heart, and mind were open to whatever He wanted for her.

Still, she prayed He would see fit to bless her with another studio. But she wasn't toiling.

"What should I do?" She asked God.

Today was a lazy day. Recuperation.


Her mind wandered to Connor.

What was he doing?

"Being ultra handsome, no doubt," She murmured with a light smile. "How did You make him so perfect, Lord? He doesn't make a tap of sense, but he's real,"

What she didn't know was that Connor questioned the exact thing regarding her.

Awaiting the blessings of the Lord brought the greatest gifts, formed and fashioned for the recipient.

"He's so handsome, inside and out." She gushed. "Like how? Tall, perfect, handsome, ginger, and he's a fireman,"

Bliss hadn't ever mentioned her admiration for firemen.

Something about a man who sacrificed his life for others made her swoon.

"And You knew," She couldn't believe how detailed God was.

He knew everything. He gave desires and saw fit to fulfill them in His timing.

But she never imagined being pursued by a man like Connor.

Honestly, she would've been content being single for the rest of her life. God was more than enough for her, and because of their close-knit relationship, she had everything she needed and wanted in Him.

Now, God was broadening her circle of love.

"Circle of love?" She laughed at her wording. "It makes sense, though. A circle has no end, God's love has no end, and He adds who He sees fit to it,"

Her logic was ideal.

Connor was the perfect addition to their circle.

His knowledge of God as Shepherd, Father, Friend, and Avenger was much deeper than hers. He walked with him through abuse and orphanhood.

She couldn't wait to learn more about him.

He was the embodiment of Psalm 92:12-15.

"The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, he will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green, to declare that the LORD is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him."

His life was a testament to God's faithfulness, through and through.

And on queue, her phone buzzed with an incoming call from Connor.

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