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I pushed on the gas and continued to drive up the road leading to my apartment, my head unmoving.

"Where are we going?" The man said. His voice sounded angry, but also very frightened.

"My apartment." I whispered. He nodded and continued.

"I'm going to take this gun away from your head now. You have to pretend as if I'm just a regular person, and if you even atempt to call the police or leave me, I'll blow your brains out. Understand?" He asked. I nodded slowly, making sure he didn't accidently pull the trigger. He slowly took the gun away and layed it in his lap.

"Who are you?" I asked, nervous he would be angered that I was the one asking questions.

"My name is Joshua. Joshua Dun." He said, no feelings in his voice. I found it strange that he was acting so normally when he had almost just killed me. "Who are you?"

"Uhm, well. My name is Faith. Faith Carter." I told him. We sat in silence for a moment, and I took a quick glance at him, not wanting to stare and make him uncomfortable, but I had to see what he looked like. I guided my eyes over to him, and found that he was in a bright orange jumpsuit, signalling that he was most likely the reason there we're so many police out.

Is he a prision escapee?

I couldn't get a clear view of his face yet, so I looked down at the gun he had held against my head. It was a silver metallic handgun. I looked over at it again, and saw a small red dot sticking out of the gun.

I blinked a few times to make sure that I wasn't just seeing things. The safety was on. So he didn't have the intent to kill me? Even if I hadn't had drove away like he instructed?

There was a million questions bouncing around in my head, but my attention was directed to his face when he turned to face me.

I had a very strange feeling in my stomach. It wasn't fear. It was...


He was, handsome. Very handsome. He had big brown eyes with little creases underneath, showing that his eyes squinted when he smiled or he laughed. He had very faint blue hair, and plump, moist, red lips.

I could feel that I had been staring at him for too long, but I couldn't manage to make myself stop. He snapped his fingers in front of my face, thankfully awaking me from my daze.

"We almost there?" He asked impatiently.

"Oh, yeah. The turn is right up here." I replied softly, wanting to look at him again. I noticed in my peripheral vision that he was now, staring at me. I felt my cheeks get warm, and I turned to look at him. Once he noticed, he bit his lip and smirked shyly, looking down and twiddling his thumbs. I took the turn and pulled up to my apartment, undoing my seatbelt.

"I'm assuming the police we're looking for you, so you have no place to stay?" I asked. He nodded. "So I'm taking you in?" I asked, even though it was my decision.


"Well, then you can help me carry my stuff inside in exchange for a place to stay." I laughed. He cracked a smile.


He opened the car door and I opened mine and we both stepped out. He opened up the back, and pulled out my box.

"What is all of this?"

"I got fired today. I was working for the fashion industry, until I was framed for tearing up my boss' design plans, since my keys were on his desk."

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