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I could not believe this. Why was he here? Did he follow me? I swear it's almost like he tracks me everywhere I go and gets there before I can. I clenched my teeth, and jerked my hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me." I hissed, doing my best to make sure that only he would hear the bitter words that spilled from my mouth.

His expression looked as if he had just seen a ghost. I don't think I've ever cussed at Tyler, and I assumed I was correct judging by his reaction. I didn't care. This is not what I had planned. This was not supposed to happen. I wanted Tyler gone. I wanted him to disappear off of the face of the Earth at this point. His face turned pale. His eyes told me pain. Under my thick layer of anger, I felt a bit of guilt. Tyler was sweet to me, and I just snapped. But, in my defense, he should know I never want to see him again.

"I-I understand why you may be angry. If you just let me explain why I'm here, I-"

"No. I'm guessing Jackson isn't coming. I'm out of here." I interrupted.

He walked close behind me, babbling while I made my way out the door. As expected, he followed me. I tried to ignore him the best that I could, trying to hustle to my car as quick as I could without jogging. The night was quiet. My ears rang from the sound change. I missed everything Tyler said to me while I was leaving, but now could hear him more clearly. His worried tone carried easily through the wind. The cold nipped at my arms and I rubbed them, trying to create some friction to warm me up. I'm almost to my car...

"I asked Jackson to ask you to dinner because I knew you wouldn't show up if I asked you. I just wanted to catch up. Don't you want to know why I left? Don't you want to know about what happened while I was gone?"

It's the first thing that he said that I actually listened to.

"No, Tyler. I really don't. Do you know why? Because I don't care about someone who left me on my own. I don't care about the great experiences they had while I was left alone. You left me. Alone." I said, not looking back to him. I finally reached my car, and pushed the key inside, trying to unlock the door before he could say anything else. I wiggled the key back and forth frantically as I heard his mouth open. The door opened and I felt a burst of delight.

"Give me one hour. You can come to my house and I'll cook for you. We can talk about anything, or we don't have to talk about anything. Please. All I ask is for one hour, I swear. And after, you won't ever see me again if you don't want to." His sincerity sounded extreme. I don't know why I felt so easily persuaded, but I did. I shut the car door gently, and met eyes with him.

"One hour, and not a minute past. I choose the meal, as well as the topic of conversation. This is the last time I will ever see your face again, understand?"

He nodded.

I signaled him to the passenger side door.

The drive was silent. He didn't talk except for provide me with the address. I pulled into a fancy gated community. The houses were large and beautiful. I drove past in awe. These kind of houses were so rare in New York due to their cost. I can hardly afford an apartment. I wanted to ask Tyler how he had so much money to pay for such an amazing home, but I didn't want to talk to him yet. I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk to him at all, actually. He pointed to a house and I turned into the driveway before I even stopped to look at the house. It was the most beautiful house that I had seen, probably ever. It wasn't overly large, but it was big. It was two stories. Each room that had a window facing the driveway was candle-lit. The house was made of faded, tan brick. The roof was a deep ash. The surrounding grass was perfectly groomed, and the perfect shade of forest green. I didn't have nearly enough time to take in the beauty of the house. My car lights turned off, and the corners of my mouth drooped. I sighed and got out of the car. I waited patiently for Tyler to lead me inside. I was so excited to see. I hope the inside was just as pretty as the outside. He brought me to the front door, and grabbed his keys out of his pocket. He pushed the key into the keyhole and shoved the door open.

Goner |j.d|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ