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Time with Josh seemed to be flying by, and for some odd reason, I've been up and crying almost every night. Maybe it's because I'm scared that I will fall for him and not be able to live a normal life, or maybe because I'm scared to even fall for him at all.

It's been extremely difficult dodging Tyler's phone calls, text messages, and seeing him out places because he seems to be everywhere I go. The last time I talked to him was last month, and with summer coming soon, he will have even more time to try and make contact with me.

"Joshua William Dun. Will you please chew with your mouth closed?" I muttered, feeling irked, this being about the hundredth time telling him that in the last hour.

He eyeballed me from the recliner, groaning briefly before swallowing his last bite of his third Milky Way.

"Well, maybe if you had real food to eat, you wouldn't have to hear me struggle to chew these candy bars." He sneered.

I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone. "What do you want to eat? I'll get it delivered."

Josh stood up from the chair and rushed over to the couch, cuddling up next to me. "Uh, actually..." He paused, reaching for my phone, grabbing it from my hand. "I was thinking we could go out."

I sighed and shook my head, disappointed that he still didn't understand.

"Josh, by now, you should know that we can't be like normal relationships. We can't go out for dinner and a movie, we can't go out to clubs, we can't be seen. I wish you could be like that, but it can't, and probably never will." I could feel my eyes beginning to water, so I stop talking and turn my face the opposite way.

I felt Josh's hand gently touch my chin and turn my face to look at him. I felt the first tear fall when our eyes met, and a wave of sorrow fell over his face.

"Baby..." He mustered, swiping his thumb across my cheek, erasing the tear. "I know it can't. I'm sorry if you think I'm trying to force you into things. I'll go back and spend the rest of my life in a cell if it means keeping you out of trouble."

I couldn't decide if I fell in love with him right then, or if it just hit me that he was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

I wrap my arms around his waist and looked up at him admirably. He looked down on me, kissing my forehead.

"I know we can't be like everyone else, but I want to be able to experience some normal things with you. I know a small Chinese restaurant about 10 minutes away, they have hardly any customers, if any at all. I have new clothes and new hair so I'll have a chance nobody will recognize me. Please trust me here, Faith." He begged. I couldn't resist his sweet face, although I was shaking at the thought that Josh, or the both of us would get caught. I unraveled my arms from his body and reached for my car keys.

"Let's go."

When we pulled into the restaurant, I stepped out of the car, Josh holding the door open for me. The first thing I noticed was the fairly dim lighting, and that there was only one other person there; an older man reading a newspaper. A small Chinese woman approached us.

"I'm really sorry. I see the restaurant closes at 9:30 and it's already nine. If it's too late, we can leave." I offered, feeling a bit guilty.

"No no no! Take a seat, welcome!" She said a bit sluggishly, signaling she probably spoke poor English.

We took a seat a few tables away from the man, still reading his newspaper.

"Drinks?" The woman asked.

"I'll have a sweet tea, please." I asked politely, looking over at Josh.

"I'll just have a water." He said, caught up in looking over the menu. The woman nodded and made her way to the kitchen.

We carried our dinner as normal, ordering food, then sat and chatted for a while.

"Really? That's crazy. Debby Ryan?!" I laughed, a shocked expression on my face.

"Yeah, but things didn't really work out. We never got to see each other, so we just decided it would be best to break it off." He explained.

I heard whispers coming from the table across from me where the man was sitting, so I looked up to see what was going on. There was an older lady sitting next to him this time, and I was confused as to where she came from. I turned around to see Josh nervously fiddling with the wrapping from a straw, keeping his face down.

"Please pay, we need to leave." He whispered.

"What's wrong?" I asked, a little afraid of what Josh was telling me.

"Just hurry up." He ordered, covering his face with his jacket.

Panicked, and laid a $20 bill next to my plate and jumped up from the table, Josh following close behind. We got into the car and I started up immediately and pulled away.

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" I demanded, annoyed that he wouldn't give an explanation about what just happened.

"The old guy was looking at the paper noticed me. I was on the front page."

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