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When we arrived to the party, I stepped out of the car, Josh standing there, offering his arm. I smiled up at him and stood up, hooking arms with him. I slammed the door shut, causing me to tip over in my high heels, but luckily, Josh caught me.

"Thanks." I laughed, sliding my foot back into the right position.

"That's why I don't like these formal parties. Too much work trying to look your best, and usually you end up getting trashed anyways." He shook his head.

"Well, I like them. It's the only time I have an excuse to look like a princess." I joked, twirling my hair.

"Well, you look..." He turned his face away to hide his smile. I reached over and placed my hand under his chin, turning his face to look back at me. He had a sweet smile on his face that made chills run through my body.

"Beautiful." He finished, his cheeks turning Crimson. I continued to hold his face with my hand as we stood staring into each other's eyes.

After a minute of just staring kindly into his eyes, he grabbed my hand from his cheek and intertwined his fingers with mine. He reached his other arm around my waist and whispered,

"Close your eyes."

I pursed my lips for a moment, then followed his instructions, squeezing my eyes tightly. I stood there with my eyes closed, waiting for whatever was coming next.

Just as I was about to open my eyes, annoyed that nothing had happened, I felt his lips press up against mine forcefully, making my knees give out, almost sending me to the ground. Josh removed his other hand from my grasp and pushed me up against my car door, continuing to kiss me aggressively.

It seemed different to me, I had never been very fond of kissing on the first date. Josh was different. He had the soul and character of the old Tyler that I was in love with when I was young. He was exactly the person I strive to be.

I reached behind me to grab the car door handle and broke the kiss, and opened the car door.

"Get in." I choked.

We both knew where and why we were leaving. I may have wasted time getting ready, but I sure won't be wasting my night. He jogged over to the other side of the car, jumping inside.

The ride back to the apartment was silent, except for when I almost drove off of the road because I was driving with one hand, my other in Josh's grasp.

When we arrived back to the apartment, as soon as the door to my room was shut, the kissing continued, but more passionate, not full of driven aggression. Josh picked me up bridal style, not breaking the kiss. He walked to the couch and laid down, laying me down next to him.

We stopped to catch our breath and we had the same staring session we had at the party. He grabbed a piece of my hair, twirling it around in between his fingers. I looked down on him. He had a sweet smile, his eyes full of wonder.

"It's just hair." I laughed, wanting to know why he was so fascinated.

"That's not why I'm happy," he chuckled. He looked up, his beautiful dark brown eyes meeting mine. "It's because I've never fallen for someone SO fast, so I'm just hoping this goes somewhere." he whispered, grabbing my hand and sticking his fingers in between mine. He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me closer.

"Let's get a drink." I recommended, his arms unraveling from my hips to allow me to stand. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed two glasses, pulling them out and setting them in the counter. I searched through the fridge for my pink Chardonnay, and popped the top off. I tilted the bottle over to pour myself a drink. I felt hands wrap about my waist, startled because I was not used to company, let alone touch me in an intimate manner. A small puddle formed next to the glass and I gave Josh a mean stare.

"You made me spill it."

"Well, I won't be having any of that anyways. The only wine I'll be putting in my mouth is red."

I opened the fridge and scoffed.

"Well, you choose."

I absolutely loved wine so I had around 15 bottles laying around in my refrigerator, just in case anyone was ever in the mood that I constantly was. He poured himself a very classy red wine I could not pronounce that my sister, Ellie, brought home from Paris. After chatting and constantly pouring glass after glass of wine, we were both drunk.

"I am tired." I blubbered, standing up off the couch, my destination being my bedroom to get some rest. I stumbled, the room spinning around me for a second, and I use the couch to support myself.

"Me too." Josh agreed, standing up and following me to my bedroom. When I arrived, I plopped onto the bed, lavishing as the comforter formed around me.

"Aren't you going to change?" Josh questioned, plopping down on the bed next to me.

"Why are you even in here?"

"Hey, I've been sleeping on a metal bed for longer than you could manage. Just let me get some good sleep."

I shrugged. I didn't really mind. I couldn't decide if the reasoning was because I was wasted, or if it was the excitement of the thought of a hot guy in my bed.

As the both of us got undressed, I stumbled around, struggling to keep myself balanced and just trying to stay awake. Josh was left in just boxers, instantly covering himself with a blanket as he pulled the cover over himself. I put on a long T-shirt and sighed softly as I finally could relax. I pulled the cover over me, smiling to myself as Josh wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. He kissed the top of my head and whispered,

"Goodnight, princess."

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