pov: you're doing a 𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖈𝖞 scene with alhaitham in an adult play.

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The sky had already begun to morph into a pale, dark blue, the moon already peeking from within the clouds. You continued to squirm under the current atmosphere of warm air infected with the pungent scent of cigarettes and intoxication. 

 The sudden offer to play the interest of Al Haitham's character allured you in so. He was undoubtedly talented within the acting arts but never have you seen him play with something so impure and directed for those with an indecent craving, but you knew how flexible he could be with his work.

 "Y/N, whatever could you be doing here?" Al Haitham called out from behind you as you rested on a bar stool. 

 You looked back, drink still in hand. You looked him up and down before giving a subtle smirk. "Al Haitham? I wouldn't imagine someone with a refined taste such as your own would be fooling around in a lowly bar."

 He took a seat beside you, pulling it closer. "It's been a while, huh?" He sighed, raising his hand up to call over the server. 

 "Yeah...yeah it has." You looked down at your drink, swirling it in your hand with a solemn look.

 Al Haitham muttered a few words to the server before turning back to you, his arm propped up on the counter with his head resting on his hand. 

 "First cup of wine?" He question. He looked down at your glass with a quirked-up eyebrow.

 "How do you always manage to revisit at the most impromptu times?" You asked, your demeanor direct and unhesitant.

 He flinched, his eyes dropping to look away before a hand gripped to your chin. You felt a small bead of sweat drop from your temple, not from the fact that it was awfully humid, but from the intense feeling; your heart racing and mind hazy.

 It was just a movie. All you two were doing was shooting a movie, yet your stomach churned in excitement while your mind began to fill up with impure fantasies and how lucky you were to be committing to the act as of now.

 His free hand gripped onto the back of your neck. You could feel his pulse in his fingertips pressed against your supple and moist skin. You couldn't help but hitch your breath with him so close. His lips hovering over your own, his hand held on your chin as his thumb pressured against you bottom lip.

 Time is not prolonged as much as people say it so. One person views the likes of drinking alcohol quickly in hopes the effect with occur quicker, while the other hopes the effect will appear more prominent. For the context of long-term and short-term, you craved for this particular feeling even more. You wanted to enjoy the lasting effects of a well and lust-induced relationship, but you needed it deeply. You yearned to have this be a reality.

 "My schedule is dependant on where you are and what you do." His voice lowered, a mere whisper in your ear hearable as the crowd was just a fabrication. "No matter how far you run, no matter how long you hide, I will always find you. I'm not letting you leave again." 

 His thumb jerked your head, lifting it up so subtly to where you could maintain eye contact. You set down your drink and let a hand grip over the writs of the hand that held onto your chin. "To each their own, Al Haitham. What if I don't want you to chase me? Hm? What if I want to leave you?" A small, daring smirk plastered over you. 

 You played this competitively, as if it was a scene to express who was yearning for the other more. A competition to who would indulge to their desires first.

 "...Don't tempt me." 

 Three words in such a seducing voice nearly made you look away, but the flushed sense just left you curious.

 Your hands swiftly made their way to loop around his neck while you shifted your chair even closer to the point that both the legs of the chairs were intertwined.

 "Oh goodness, Al Haitham. Whatever shall happen to me if I aggravate you even more." You teased, chuckling into his ear. 

 You heard him mutter profanities before he began roughly placing his hands on your waist and began tugging at the flesh of your neck with his teeth. He licked each spot he bite, sucking onto it until it left a mark. He fondled the waistband of your pants, just faintly feeling his frigid skin to your lower back.

 You fumbled with your breath, shuddering too often. You were giving in too easily, but you didn't care anymore. Whether or not this was a movie or a script, you were left in a mess with your thoughts and a prolonged yearning for Al Haitham off-screen

Y/n x Alhaithamحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن