POV: He caught you staring at him

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A nice thief/ grand sage POV because I love coming up with flirty scenarios in my head. It's not an extremely spicy pov but I hope at least one person will like this qwq

This was my last resort. I ran out of the funding that fueled my last research expedition so this was a final attempt to make ends meet. In desperation, I got a shady position as a waitress at a tavern far from the Akademiya.

It was a busy night; the sound of loud chatter reverberated across the dim tavern hall as customers drank and gambled. Behind the counter, I observed the crowd of customers to see if any required my assistance, as it was a good opportunity to earn some tips, or anything worth "borrowing".

While scanning the tables across the hall, my eyes landed on a gray-haired man sitting alone at a table. The visible half of his face looked like a painting, fair-skinned and porcelain-like -

- he was beautiful. He fashioned a dark crested vest that accentuated his refined torso, and an intricate earpiece poked out from his messy hair.

How curious that a man of his stature would be alone at a time and place like this. But even stranger, he was deeply focused on a book in his lap. 'An Akademiya scholar? Maybe he just never leaves his room.' "Interesting..." I found myself muttering. As if he heard me, he suddenly looked up from his book -

- we locked gazes and I was instantly met with a sharp pair of green eyes. Golden pupils surrounded by iridescent green irises glowed in the light, sending my heart into a frenzy.

Without breaking eye contact, I flashed him a coy smile before turning away, pretending to be busy. Although handsome strangers don't come by often, I had a job to do and was determined to finish my work.

Pulling at the hem of my way-too-short miniskirt, I approached a group of regular customers nearby with a new bottle of snake wine and promptly sat down with them.

There was already a conversation going around the table, and occasionally the group would erupt into drunken roars of laughter and cheers. Decisively, my eyes wandered to the customer next to me, whose bulging wallet was openly resting on the table.

The customer—a middle-aged man—eyed my exposed body and stretched an arm over my waist, not wasting the opportunity to rest his hand on my exposed thigh, squeezing it uncomfortably.

"Hey gorgeous, wanna join me for drinks after your shift? I can give you a good time." He slurred, his grasp around my waist was rigid and cold.

"My shift's not over yet. But could I get ya another drink before that?" I said, casually moving his hands away from me.

I stood up, placing my body between him and the wallet, hoping to swipe it before anyone noticed. "You're quite the smooth talker eh? Let me get my wallet." He said.

Before I could think of what to say next, a figure silently appeared beside me. The figure's green eyes seemed to pierce right through me in the dim lights of the tavern. Thoughts raced through my head as I felt my chest tighten in a jolt of panic.

'Shit. I can't get caught like this. If I get exposed as a thief I'll be expelled from the Akademiya. I need to slip away somehow.'

"Ah! Sorry, but there seems to be another table that reaaalllyy needs my help. I promise I'll come back later~" I lied, quickly moving away from the table in hopes of an escape.

The customer stood up as well, attempting to follow me. But the green-eyed figure grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him before I could escape.

His grip was firm but gentle. "Sorry, but she has plans with me tonight. You're going to have to take your desires elsewhere." The figure said before shooting the customer a look that told him to back off.

He basically dragged me through the door on the side of the hall, towards the private rooms, all the while navigating the hallways effortlessly. I wondered if he had been here before.

Leading me to a dim room, he closed the heavy wooden door behind us, muffling the chatter and sounds of the outside world. "I didn't know stealing from drunkards was a part of your research." He said, with an expression that was hard to read. "I-I'm sorry, I don't mean trouble. But I just have no other way of funding my research.

Now I even struggle to feed myself

- can't you let me off this once? I'll do anything just please don't report me to the Matras" I pleaded, scanning the room for an escape.

"You're responsible for a third of pickpocketing rates in this area. I don't think you're in such a tough spot, are you?" The figure said, staring at me with intensity in his eyes.

'If he wanted to get me arrested, he would've reported me already. So what the hell does he want? Could it be curiosity? Intrigue? Or maybe..' I put my hands behind my back and took a few steps forward, hoping to fluster him with my sudden close contact.

"Or maybe you're just looking for a good time? If you like I promise to make it worth your while, Mr -- ?" I asked, dragging my words playfully.


He said, the corner of his lips curving slightly at the sight of my shock. A surprised gasp escaped my lips. Curse my luck. Why did I have to bump into the Acting Grand Sage out of all people? This is such a pain in the ass.

"What do you want with me?" I said cautiously.

Seeming amused by my response, he stepped towards me with a small smirk on his face. "I've had my eye on you for a while now. This is just hitting two birds with one stone." Alhaitham said.

In a flash, he overwhelmed me and pinned me to the bed. Stretching my arms above my head, he confiscated the pocket knife in my hand. Using his body to pin me down, his face was mere inches from mine.

I flushed red with embarrassment as his hand trailed along my thigh, feeling like fire where his fingertips touched my skin. "Wait! T-This is my first time. Please be gentle." I blushed. At these words, Alhaitham seemed to be surprised, but his expression quickly shifted to one of amusement.

"If you're worried about getting arrested, I will personally see to it that you're punished for every item you've stolen." He said, looking serious for a moment.

"But who knows? Maybe after we're done here you might just go out and steal more ♡"

Should I write an innocent one or not? please tell I would like to know your opinion :)

Y/n x AlhaithamWhere stories live. Discover now