you're called into Alhaitham's office

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cracks fingers

"Excuse me, I've bought her over."

Al-Haitham nodded, maintaining eye contact with you as he waved the scholar off with nothing more than a finger.

"So, grand acting sage."

You emphasised each word of the title with a drawl to your voice. Turning around to ensure the door was shut properly, you then turned around once more, raising a brow as you approached his desk.

"What pulls me to your office?"

You asked, leaning your arms on the desk and leaning down further so you were eye level with him.

"I was in the middle of something very important."

The grey-haired man almost rolled his eyes if you looked closely enough.

"Sleeping in the library?"

He raised a brow in return, then returned to his default expression of exasperation as you sent him a challenging scowl.

"I told you, it was important, and now ive been disturbed."

"Maybe you wouldn't be disturbed if you chose an inconspicuous place to nap."

Al-Haitham stood up, chair grating against the floor, forcing you to look up at him. He was always seated lately, cooped up in the office, you hardly got to see him walking around. As though you had forgotten the slightly overwhelming height difference, the difference in stature, and your eyes glazed over his appearance briefly, cursing the archons for blessing the man with so much authority purely with his looks. He crossed his arms, you swallowed dryly, using all of your strength to maintain eye contact with him. He kept his straight-faced expression, his default frown that you could never understand just what he was thinking, hell, surely you weren't pulled up to his office just because you had been caught napping one too many times, right?

You ended up standing up straight as you watched him walk to the door, fiddling with the handle. It was when the sound of a lock clicking echoed through the room, did your annoyed demeanour drop, and you gulped. Heart racing, you could feel the palpitations begin to vibrate through your body, the gentle thuds of your heart beat against your chest. Suddenly it was as though your senses had become heightened, you noticed how the air had grown warmer than usual, thick even, your skin prickled with heat and your tongue felt like sandpaper and all you could do was stand there weakly as Al-Haitham walked back over to you.

"Did I disturb you?"

Suddenly his voice softened, and he reached out to cup your cheek, kissing the side of your temple as the ghost of a smile curled his lips upwards. Immediately you smiled, melting into his touch as a laugh escaped your throat, placing your hand over his.

"I was just finishing up my research paper for submission."

Turning your head slightly, you kissed his palm.

"Now what's your excuse this time for bringing me up to your office?"

You raised a brow at him, watching the way pink dusted over his cheeks.

"The more excuses you make, someone might pick up on what's going on..."

Then a cheeky grin crossed your face,

"Or even worse, I'll be put down as a bad behaving student."

You wrapped your arms around him, sighing as the scent of wood, parchment paper and coffee infiltrated your senses. Everything and a hint of something you could only describe as Al-Haitham as you felt his hands, strong and gentle, wrap around your waist as he held you even closer.

"Needed a break, I read too many idiotic research submissions."

He sighed into your shoulder, and you laughed as you felt the way his weight almost fell onto you. Your hand wandered up into his hair, gently running your fingers through his locks whilst he continued to mumble against your shoulder.

"I have been getting a lot of complaints about you sleeping though."

His voice was innocent, but it was hard for your own thoughts to remain the same when his voice was low, vibrating against your skin. It only got worse when he tilted his head to the side, warm breath making contact with your neck and causing you to tense up slightly.

"What's going on? Not sleeping enough?"

He had an evil grin plastered onto his face, you knew it, because you also knew the reason when he was asking you that question. Knowing full well how after a stressful day, not even a week, but after a day, how the man would indulge himself in the comfort of your home, using you as his personal stress reliever as he deemed fit. Of course you weren't getting enough fucking sleep, he kept you up till ungodly hours.


You swallowed thickly, feeling the open mouthed kisses being pressed to your neck.

"If there's anyone to blame then it's yo-"

Your voice caught itself in your throat when his lips latched onto the exposed flesh on your neck, teeth sinking in gently as he sucked at the skin. Your hands clenched, nails digging into his skin.

"'ll leave a mark..."

You breathed, but the man showed no signs of stopping, and whilst your words said one thing, the way your knees buckled, hands instinctively pulling him closer said another.

Suddenly the edge of the desk was at your back, and the heat of the day had spilled into your brain, turning it into cotton candy as you stared dumbly at the man in front of you.

"It's okay."

He continued to murmur against your neck, hands dancing around the fabric of your clothes he was lifting up ever so slowly.

"How about you take a break here with me."

Not the best but I tried

Y/n x AlhaithamOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz