Enemies to lovers?

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(Authors note)

Thank you to everyone who has been reading my stories for this long with your precious time I truly appreciate you for supporting me. 

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(Not Gendered)


 That was the only word that came to your mind when you thought about him in the slightest. He was a fine speciman and put quite the time and energy into his studies, you had to admit that, but he was arrogant about it.

 Looking down on everything and everyone who wasn't the same as him. Especially arts. And you, well... you were an artsy person. Maybe not a master at it but very passionate.

 Not only did he said to you that art was nonsense in general, but he critised YOUR art on a whole other level. So you critised his studies back, and called him a maniac teacher's pet.

 After that very memorable first encounter you couldn't stand being close to him, to the point where you made whole routes just to avoid him and the migrane he caused to you.But he had a 

bit of a sadistic joy in pissing you off with his mere existence, so he started to memorise your routes and your routine, just to meet you and raise your blood pressure.

 You didn't want to be childish, but you couldn't let him have the last laugh so you made your routes longer, walked slower, causing him to be late to his classes and get in trouble with a few strict proffesors. 

Seeing him annoyed was like a piece of heaven. After a bit more mocking you had enough and started to ignore him completely. 

 Why you may ask? Well, he was indeed attractive and after all the time you spent on analysing him, to find the perfect method to screw with him, you realised you developed a crush on him.

 After the realization, it was harder and harder to keep a straight face and call him an egoistic asshole without blushing. So you avoided him, hoping for your unwanted feelings to die down with time. 

 Things went smoothly for a while, but one day you had to stay for a bit longer than usual, to check a few books at the library, for an upcoming bigger project. 

 As you sat at the end of one of the bookshelves in the back of the library, you heard quiet footsteps approaching you. You didn't pay any attention to it, you had a lot of work at your hand.But when someone squated down to your level right in front of you, you glanced up from the book you were currently reading.

 It was him.-What do you want Alhaitham?You sounded annoyed and uninterested. You didn't try to hide how much you wanted him to leave you alone. 

His face didn't show any emotions as always. With a sight you looked down and continued reading.Without any warning he grabbed the book and took it away from you, holding it above his head. Face as neutral as ever.

 -Okay, listen here you little shit, I don't care if you're stronger than me, I will kick your ass if you don't give that back.

 -I would like to see you try. 

- his mouth curled up into a provoking grin.

 You didn't hesitate, just straight up punched him in the face. From the sudden force, he fell back and landed on his ass. 

 -OW - he reached to his punched nose. When he pulled his hand back from his face, his fingertips had blood on them. 

 While he didn't focus on you, you grabbed the book to take it back, but he quickly yanked it away from you. The thing is, you didn't let go of the book, so he pulled you forward with it. And that's how you landed on top of him.

 He nearly fell back as well, but he managed to stay in a sitting position. That didn't change the fact, that you were halfly sitting between his legs, laying on his chest, faces inches away from each other, both of you still holding the book that brought you closer.His other hand was on the floor, keeping him stable, while your other hand was on his shoulder for the same reason.

 You looked at each other with wide eyes, while your cheeks got redder with every passing moment.You opened your mouth to say something sarcastic but since no voice came out you closed it. 

He wanted to say something similar but he didn't success either.It felt like time stopped. Just the two of you, in the silent library, gazing at each other with racing hearts.

 After a few minutes, his gaze softened. So did yours. Before you could realize it, his free hand got a gentle hold of your face and pulled you closer. 

 The kiss was passionate and slow. After he broke it for some air, a mocking smirk found it's way to his lips. 

 -Tell me Mr/Miss/Mx Artsy, am I still just an "arrogant asshole"? Or rather your new muse? 

 -Shut up... asshole...Before he could make another snarky remark, you shut him up with another kiss.

Y/n x AlhaithamWhere stories live. Discover now