pov: you're a criminal fighting your best enemy

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and at the same time, it's summer break >w<

but I have holiday homework which I haven't even started yet TwT

You thought breaking into the Akademiya would be a lot more complicated, especially with the IMMENSE amounts of confidential and forbidden documents as well as books. So when you slid in through the window and had a rough landing, you expected at least a dozen guards running over to catch you in the act. However, no one was here.

Peeking behind each corner cautiously, you didn't find a single soul anywhere. It was silent and empty. So much that you gave up on sneaking and just walked casually through the halls to the sealed off section. This was the last point before any option of turning back was gone forever. But you needed those documents. You needed all the proof you could get. With a deep breath, you cut through the lock with your sword.

It was darker here, which isn't that strange actually. Your steps echoed off of the walls as you went in deeper. You'd probably be able to run back to the exit if anything unexpected happens, but it'd be tricky. Best not to think about it for now.

You found a door with an elemental lock. It's not entirely surprising as you prepared for a situation like this. But it was still annoying to get rid off. The small device you put together yourself started glowing when you took it out and held it near the lock. Months of research on the elements and how visions operate didn't prove useless. It felt like hours, when it really had been 10 minutes at most, before a 'click' sounded from the door. You gave it an experimental push and it swung open effortlessly. What you were met with inside were rows and rows of books, folders, papers and shelves. Thank archons for the weird disappearance of the guards, it gave you extra time to shuffle through the paperwork.

At least a few hours have passed and you still didn't experience any problems or disturbances. It was honestly getting scary. But still, you found what you were looking for. No reason to dwell on it now. A quick turn on the heel and you were bolting for the door. Rounding the corner for the entrance of the section, you saw some light peeking through. You froze for a second thinking that someone has realised there's been a break-in. Luckily for you, it was only daylight. Which meant you literally spent the entire night in here... you didn't even realize it's been THAT long.

You ran out and glanced around for any exit options. It seemed to be fairly early so you weren't rushing on getting out too soon. But the creepiness got to you and you'd rather get the hell out of here as soon as possible.

You found your way to the library. The windows were kind of high, but you could get to them. All that jumping and running around from your previous "adventures" wasn't for naught. You approached one, ready to climb your way up when you heard a noise. You felt a surge of strong elemental power hurling at you from behind. You managed to jump out of the way, but in the action got caught in vines. The elemental energy was just as strong in these as well.

"Perhaps I've given you too much freedom. You ended up taking one too many papers." A voice echoed through the room and you spun your head around.

Maybe facing the guards would've been easier that this .

"Unfortunately for you, I'll be taking those back now." Alhaitham, The Scribe himself, is here to stop you. This was the worst case scenario. He approached and reached for the papers sticking out of your bag. For someone smart, he was slow. The vines holding you down erupted into flames and he jumped back, pulling out his sword. This was exactly the reason you hid your pyro vision under your clothes; the enemy would underestimate you. You stood up quickly, taking your own sword out. Alhaitham was stronger and you knew it. Not to mention, the light outside started getting stronger. Time was running out.

As you glanced around for a way out, you noticed something in his hand.

He managed to take one of the papers you've stolen.

Seeing that you seemed spaced out, Alhaitham lurched forward. You managed to block the attack quickly but the force almost knocked you back. He threw more attacks in your direction, each faster than the previous one. He cornered you against the wall as you held his sword from striking you. Your own sword was shaking and you knew you didn't have much time before your hands would give out. His focus was on you. Maybe this was a chance. Mustering up all the strength you had, you deflected his sword and reached for the paper he was holding in his other hand.

He kicked your feet and you fell down. His sword was pressed against your throat within seconds. You got too hasty again.

But he didn't cut down. He didn't kill you yet. Was he waiting for something? Was he planning to arrest you instead? There was no time to be thinking through the possibilities. You had to take this moment, while he was distracted and catching his breath.

"Alhaitham, if you don't give me that paper and let me out of here, the Akademiya will-" You were cut off by the blade pressing into your throat more. You felt a trickle of blood flow down your neck. So talking wasn't gonna help anymore either. Was your only option really to either die or wait to get thrown into jail?

"I..." he spoke, surprising you "I know what they're planning. That is exactly why I can't let you take this. While it may be the key element in your plan to expose them, it's also the key element in my own plan. Well, to be fair, it won't have that much of an impact, but the change it'll bring is important. I was gonna let you get out with most of these documents, but you took something too valuable." You held eye contact as he explained. From how he put it, it seemed like his plan would take a much longer time to work out than yours. The Akademiya could do something much worse during that time. Your face must've twisted into a look of confusion because he spoke again.

"I know what I'm risking and I know that things could probably get worse while I wait for the right moment to act. I'm ready to face the consequences. I'm patient. However, _you_" the blade moved down slightly, but didn't make any more cuts "have proven to be a problem. This is much higher than you and I get the feeling that you'll most likely be ruining my plans again. Sorry, but I'm gonna have to turn you in. I have no doubt that you'll get out fast, but maybe it'll teach you a lesson."

The blade raised and he reached for what seemed to be handcuffs. The window of opportunity appeared. Now was the only moment you were gonna get to get away. You'll have to leave the paper behind. You still had enough evidence, but you suspected you won't be able to present it to anyone yet. Once the Akademiya finds out they've been stolen from, they'll twist it into their favour and probably say something like "the thief took documents to falsify them and wrongly accuse us, don't anything you see", as much of a stretch that may be.

Alhaitham looked away for a split second to find where he placed the cuffs and in that moment you threw out a wall of fire between you two as you jumped up. He stepped back to not get burnt and you made a beeline for the window, using your sword to make yourself a step while jumping out to it. It meant that you would have to leave the sword behind as it got stuck in the wall, but that's exactly why you brought a simple one, the kind you'd find in almost every blacksmith's shop.

You broke the glass and the morning air hit you. You took one final look back to make sure Alhaitham wasn't going after you. He didn't. He stood where you left him, observing as you made your escape. Ignoring the urge to flip the bird at him, you jumped out into the branches and made your way down and away from the building.

Seems you'll have to lay low for a while, incase he reports 

Y/n x Alhaithamजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें