giving your academic rival a lap dance for a dare ♡

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(Hey people I found this in my drafts so I decided to post it)

all your life you were competitive, you had to win and you had to be first. you grew up with two brothers and it felt so good to beat them. you did whatever you could to be first. you grew up in monsdadt and you were the top of the school academically for all the years you attended and it felt oh so good.

this winning streak was crushed when you entered the college in sumeru by none other than your self proclaimed rival, alhaitham. always first, always getting a better grade, and always rubbing it in your face. and the worst part? the fact that he didn't even seem to try.

when you first entered the college you knew no one but you were determined to prove yourself, so much so that you would spend sleepless night studying to be on top of your game. but it all seemed pointless when he would waltz into class with that smug look that lit a fire under you. he would always finish the tests first with a perfect score, show up the next day and sit right next to you just to make sure he could he see you angry.

you weren't sure why he seemed to hate you so much but you for sure came to disdain him for his bragging. you definitely wouldn't be so angry at him all the time if he didn't have that aloof and superior attitude. in fact you had a small crush on him at the start of the year, but was soon crushed when he snickered after seeing the class score and whispered in your ear "don't expect to beat me, second place"

you immediately covered your ear and turned red with anger. you couldn't believe he just called you second place so you gave him a scornful look as you responded "just watch because I will be above you". you turned away to walk away when he responded "on bed I can understand but there is no way you can top me academically". you were fuming at this point, with anger and embarrassment. you never looked back at him and quickly gathered your things so you could make your escape as other students who heard his remark were laughing.

it's been months since that had happened and you still haven't beat him. you somehow always end up in his classes were he always sits next to you. you ignore him as best you can but he always has something to say that irritates you. you don't get it, you practically study all hours of the day, skipping meals and getting minimal hours of sleep ,if any at all. while you have seen him napping on multiple accounts in the library.

thankfully it was finals week and it was your last class and test before you could give your body a much needed break. you definitely have a cold coming as soon as you let yourself relax. when the test was over and you were getting up to leave nilou, the girl sitting in front of you stopped you to ask if you wanted to attend a party she was hosting. you have never been to a party before and you told her that but she told you not to worry and she would lend you an outfit if needed. you thought about what things you have to do but realized that there was nothing school wise to get done so you agreed.

you wanted to let free and forget about alhaitham and school for the night. nilou lended you an emerald green dress that was shorter and tighter than anything you would wear or own. you didn't want to turn down her kindness so you didn't complain as she did your hair and makeup. you were soon a version of yourself that you had never seen. nilou squealed as she admired her work and said "everyone will be looking at you tonight, maybe you can snag someone to help you let your hair down"

you tried to tell her off but she pulled you downstairs without giving you a chance to express what you wanted to say. the loud music and amount of people was headache inducing but you were hear for a change of pace. she made her way to the bar to grab you two a drink. alcohol was something new for you but you have always heard to pace yourself or else you might regret your actions so I took the glass with caution. the drink was sweet and had a slight bitterness from the alcohol. before you knew it, the glass was empty and you wanted another one.

a few drinks later, you ended up in a circle of people you recognized from school. Kaveh suggested we play truth or dare and you just nodded along with others in agreement. the group consisted of Tighnari, nilou, cyno and Kaveh initially. as the game played along random people joined in and/or left. you felt a presence sit next to you, closer than the others that came and went while the game went on. you could practically feel the heat radiating of off them and before you could turn your head and look at them, you were being asked a question.

someone you didn't recognize asked "why did you came all the way here and didn't attend college in mondstadt?" you froze up, you didn't want to tell everyone the reason you practically ran away from home was your toxic home life. so you responded with a laugh "i think i'll take the dare." they smirked and said "okay, then give a lap dance to the person next to you." with the alcohol running through your system you stood up and got in front of them. then when you finally looked down at the person's face you realized it was alhaitham. he had that cocky look on his face tempting you. it was almost like he was saying that your gonna lose if you don't do it.

you pushed the shame to the back of your mind as you let the music move through your body. it was sloppy but the hands on your waist were hot and kept you moving. you couldn't lose to him especially tonight. you moved low between his legs and ran your hands up his thighs. you could feel his muscles tense under your hands and you smirked, you felt like you could win this. you kept a slow pace as you ran your hands up his chest, feeling the toned muscles beneath. you then placed your hands on either side of his head on the couch and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "how does it feel to be below me?"

he sucked in a sharp breath and looked up into your eyes. the obvious lust had you squirming, you had never seen him in such a disorderly state and it was turning you on. finally he responded with "I could definitely get used to it" and he put his hands around your waist and pulled you into his lap. you froze, you weren't prepared for this outcome. "checkmate, darling" he said as you flushed with the contact and his nearness. he wrapped a hand around your stomach and pulled you closer to his body.

you were in that position the whole night, a hand around your waist and another on your thigh. you were locked in but you didn't deny that you liked it. you realized that the crush you had for him only ever grew and you were in self denial, hiding the emotion as hatred and anger. after all there is a thin line between love and hate. you looked up at him and said "I thought you hate me". he looked distressed and responded "I never hated you, I just didn't know how to interact with the one I came to love. plus your angry reactions were the cutest."

wide-eyed, you responded "oh. umm well. I think I could get used to this. and maybe i did also have a crush on you." he brought up a hand to your head and pushed your head against his chest. he kissed your hair and began stroking your it. you had never felt so much peace, slowly falling into sleep as the party died down.


hehe, you probably thought that was gonna go somewhere else didn't you🤨

also goddamn but I didn't mean to make it that long so if you stuck to the end thank you and I'm sorry for it not being more yk😏

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