Roommates with benefits <3

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You stepped into your apartment quietly, turning the key in the slowest motion, hoping the sound of metal unlocking the door won't cause too much noise. The door opened to a dark room, indicating no signs of life. Good, that meant your roommate was asleep. Quietly closing the door, you crept into your dark room and locked the door before turning on the lights. Unfortunately for you, however, it seemed that someone was already occupying your bed. 

 "So. Looks like you went out on a date." Alhaitham quipped, his tone impassive. You nearly stumbled to the floor at his sudden appearance, confused as to why he was in your room. You purposefully left the house in secret, pretending to have slept early and then return by 3 AM. 

 Your relationship with Alhaitham was supposedly simple and straightforward. As scholars who were incredibly pressed for time with how much work needed to be done, one would naturally be pent up with stress.

 What you had with him simply relieved each other's frustration. When you were with him, all you could think of was how... perfect he was. The way his body molded so well with yours, the way he'd murmur your name during heated nights. But that was it. It never went further. It was almost funny how indifferent he was after a night you warmed his bed. As if you were a mere tool to get rid of his stress, to be discarded after he was done. 

What annoyed you even further was that you still pined for him despite all that. This- this- irritable, despondent, cold prick who would stare at you in a way that sent a shiver down your spine.

 You couldn't understand him, but you still wanted him. You figured that you were simply desperate for any sense of touch or kinship. Perhaps you were simply lonely. That's why you went out on a blind date, to seek a new perspective. You weren't sure how Alhaitham would respond to it, but you figured it'd be easier if he didn't know. 

It's not like whatever relationship you had with him was of much substance for him anyways. You wouldn't be surprised if he had done the same. Yet here he was, sitting on the edge of your bed. The air around him was hard to read, just like that archon-forsaken book he had in his hand. 

 You wanted to seem equally indifferent. "What's it to you? You jealous?" "What we have established is a business relationship. It wouldn't matter if I was jealous or not." You were flabbergasted by his response. "So, did it feel good? To have someone else instead of me." He eyed your attire- your creased and messed up collar on your shirt, your messy hair. The pink bruise on your collarbone that poked out of your shirt that was slightly unbuttoned. Without context, it looked quite obvious that you had one hell of a night. 

However... "...That's not what happened." You admitted. You could have lied. You could have said that you had a passionate night. But something told you that you shouldn't. The way Alhaitham was looking at you... it's as if he'd know if you were lying. "He was as drunk as a horse from drinking so much, so I had to carry his intoxicated ass to a taxi. The door hit me on my collarbone from how unruly and incorrigible he was. But why in the world would that matter to you? As if you don't do the same. But then again, from how easily you toss me aside every night, it must be difficult for you to find someone else like me."

 The sharp glint in his eyes shut you up immediately. You were being snarky out of frustration, and it did you no good. You can feel the angry tears welling up in your eyes but you did your damn best to not let them drop. It has been such a long day. You weren't exactly in the mood to deal with an emotionally constipated person after a failed blind date. So you just stood there in silence. 

 After a long pause, he sighed and put his book aside. "Come here." Eyes glued to your feet, you walked up to the scholar. In one swift motion, he grasped your waist and brought your hips to his, causing you to sit on his lap. The sudden move caused you to snap your focus back on him, and as if your body wanted to be in the most comfortable position possible, your legs wrapped themselves around the man's waist, and your hands held onto his shoulders. You weren't sure where this conversation was going. And seeing how unsure you were, he let out yet another long sigh. 

"I would like to clarify two things. First, I have never tossed you aside. When we established this relationship, I assumed it implied that what we have together does not impact our lives as scholars. If you don't wish to get involved with me, I will follow suit. Since you have never argued about it, I continued as per usual. But clearly, seeing how angry you are, it seems you don't want it to be that way. So, I will propose something else."

 "Talk to me if you have a problem with something we have. If you have demands and emotions you want to dish out at me, do it. Don't just run away to someone else and expect me to understand. I hate things I don't understand." It took you a minute to realize how childish you have been. Nothing he had said was wrong. You never did complain about your relationship with him, and the first thing you thought of was a blind date, which was no different from running away. 

He was right, and you could've saved yourself the extra tears and stress. So you quietly nodded in agreement. "So tell me what you want." You were silent for a moment, formulating your thoughts. It was odd to see Alhaitham become so direct about these things. You didn't know he even had it in him. "Just... talk to me and stay with me for a bit. Be a little more transparent with me. Otherwise, it feels like I'm a toy being thrown away." "Huh, I see. I didn't know that's how you'd been feeling. You're a lot more complicated than I thought." He quipped. 

 "What's that supposed to mean?" You scrunched your eyebrows, confused by his response. "Don't put much thought into it. I meant it as a compliment. If it eases your mind a bit, I have never touched anyone other than you. So rest assured."

 Ah. All of a sudden, it made sense as to why he acted so indifferently, and why he never associated with you further than what you did with him at night. Despite how eloquently Alhaitham said it, it did not hide the fact that it also meant he has no experience in these kinds of relationships. It's not that he didn't want to associate himself with you, it's that he didn't know how to.

 Perhaps this was his way of trying to communicate with you, in his own Alhaitham-y way. How ironic that the person you've been calling a cold prick made a move to disperse the misunderstanding you've been building inside your own head. "I see." Your lips couldn't help but tug up to a small smile. "You're just an idiot, huh." "That's rather rude to say to a scholar. If I were anyone else I would have debated you to death." 

 You couldn't help but let out a laugh. Was this his attempt at a joke? "Now that that's clear," he began, "regarding what you asked me earlier. I didn't plan to answer it since I assumed emotions are off the table. But since you asked so nicely for me to be transparent..." His lips planted themselves on your neck, sending soft kisses down to your bruised collarbone. Your laugh quickly faltered to small gasps and sighs as you shivered in his grasp.

 Suddenly the situation wasn't very funny anymore. "I am, in fact, incredibly jealous." His grip on your hips tightened. "You didn't deny that you did try and date another guy. You even got a bruise thanks to him. So the second thing I'd like to address..." He sucked on the bruised skin, as if he was masking the wound with his own mark. As if he wanted to erase any memory of the man you were with earlier, even if it was a small injury. "I-I'm sorry. I won't do it again."


 A dangerous grin danced on his lips, one that caused a jolt of electricity to run down your spine. With one swift motion, he pinned you against the bed, your back facing him. "It's cute that you think a simple apology like that will make me let you off Scott free. We're just getting started, here, after all. I want you to beg for forgiveness. I want even the slightest idea of running away from me to be an impossible dream. And tonight, I'll make sure anyone who sees you know that you're marked head to toe by me."

It's 5 in the morning and I am writing this while my homework is pending I am gonna get killed please pray for me dear viewers  💀

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