alhaitham uses the divine knowledge capsule to save you.

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They took you. The Akademiya. They took HIS partner.

They laughed in his face before they dragged you away. They were stupider than he thought. Calling him both a genius and a lunatic all the time, and for some reason still daring to get on his bad side. While patching himself up after the unexpected attack, he promised himself one thing: they won't have the last laugh.

After ruining your little date by taking you, he won't show mercy. Deep down he blamed himself. They wanted more control over him, using his knowledge for their dirty little games, unknown for everyone who wasn't involved. He said no. If he did othervise, he'd put the both of you in constant danger.

But declining them wasn't the smartest idea either. Looks like they won't take "no" for an answer. He knew something like this would happen, but he didn't expected them to take action so soon. He thought he had more time to prepare. Oh, how much he wished things had gone differently.

The face you made still lived crystal clear in his mind. You weren't a 100% concious, yet it was clear you were terrified. And he couldn't save you. He was bleeding, crawling on the ground. He felt humiliated and utterly angered.

But now, it was time for revenge. He knew his chances. His plan was risky, dangerous and he knew they were waiting for him. But he couldn't play safe, not now when you, the literal love of his life was in danger. The only person, who was able to make him feel something. He was more than willing to give his life if it ment that you were safe.

He had the capsule. He knew where they kept you. He was ready.

So he took action.

Originally he just planned on sneaking in, getting you, then escaping. But then your expression flashed before his eyes. The tears in the corners of your eyes, the fear in them, and the blood dripping from your forehead and nose.

They made you bleed, so he changed his plan from playing hide and seek to making a bloodbath. And he followed his plan step by step.

He turned the place into a slaughterhouse. And didn't regretted it, not even a little bit. Even if a few droplet of guilt sneaked into his heart, it all disappeared when he finally got to you and held you again.

They beated you up terribly and left you in an empty cell to die. He quickly picked you up and just ran. Ran as far as he could. As far as his legs were able to. When his limbs gave up on him he finally got a closer look on you.

You were still alive thankfully, much to his relief. He just sat there, wherever his legs took him, with you in his arms. He just sat there for hours, waiting for you to wake up. With every passing minute he got more and more worried.

Why didn't you wake up already? What did they do to you before he got you out of there? Did he get there too late?

Panic started to take over him. You seemed paler than usual. Your breaths were shallow too. A panic attack started to creep around him, just like a cat around the mouse. His eyes widened, breath shallowed, heartbeat increased.

- Y/N?... Darling please, I'm begging you to wake up, I-... I can't do this, you can't do this to me please.... Sweetheart have mercy on me and come back, come on, please just, just open your eyes and call me a moron, a lunatic, a loser anything, just please, please let me know you're still with me. I can't let you go, not just yet, not so soon. Who will hold me back from going insane if you leave me? Who will drag me away from work before I overwork myself again? Who will look out for me and care for me like you do if not you? Darling please, PLEASE!

He started crying the moment he started speaking. But when you gave no reaction, he couldn't help but lose it. He tripped over his words while he tried to hold you closer to his chest, just to feel your heartbeat above his own.

He cried and screamed into your shoulder for archons know how long, begging you not to leave him behind so soon. After a while exhaustion took over him and he fell asleep outside, in the middle of nowhere, with you in his arms.

When the morning sun rised above the horizon he didn't dare to open his eyes. He was terrified to see you. He was terrified he saved you too late and you passed during the night.

A few tears escaped his closed eyes. He couldn't survive that. He'd rather go after you.

- Please Darling, I'm begging...

His words were barely a whisper. He wasn't even sure if he said it out loud or if he just prayed silently to whichever archon decided to hear his pleading.

- Begging for exactly what Alhaitham? You know I'm no mind reader. - a well known voice asked him in an exhausted yet playful tone.

His eyes opened in an instant and he sat up quicker than ever to look at you. You were laying there, eyes slightly open a sassy grin plastered across your lips. Even if you were still in pain, his sight still cracked you up. He looked like a puppy who couldn't believe he was getting his favourite treat again. His eyes wide, more tears forming in them, his mouth slightly open while he was panting a little.

He held his tremling hand out to touch your face. It couldn't be a dream, could it? If it was, then it was a cruel one. The moment his skin made contact with yours he broke down again, cradling you in his arms.

- Y/N, sweetheart, I thought I lost you. Holy shit never scare me like that, ever again.

You couldn't help but laugh a little while returning his tight hug.

- I'll do my best you lunatic idiot.

- YOUR a lunatic idiot. I wouldn't go through this for anyone you know.

He burried his face into the crook of your neck. You were really there, you were still alive, still with him. He pulled away with a relieved smile on his face. The gentle and passionate kiss you shared was like an oath. No words were said, yet you both knew: no force could ever part you.

(Oh boy, if you guys knew how many times did this almost end up as pure angst, you'd lost y'all's shit.)

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