pleasingly dancing for your hot enemy in a private room (🍋)

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You walk around Semeru's local town aimlessly, wanting something interesting to happen. As you are walking you see a cute golden retriever. You bend down to pet the sweet dog. But when you lift your head you see a tall shadow of a man. The man leans down to pet the dog as well, "His name is Rooster." The man says. "Oh- I- Is this your dog?" You say a bit awkward. "No, he just likes to roam around. I usually catch him when I walk to work." He replies. "Oh.. okay.."

"So, um..."

"Alhaitham," he says with a chuckle.

"Well then, Alhaitham, where do you work?"

"I'm a scribe, I work on things such as documentaries, findings, and drafts." He says.

The dog barks and runs away pushing you into Alhaithams chest. "Oh- I- I'm so sorry!!" You whimper. "Oh my gosh.. this is so embarrassing.." you say blushing. "No, no, it's alright. Really, it is." He replies calmly.

"Alhaitham! What is taking you so long." Someone says in the distance.

"I'm sorry, I must go, although if you'd like to see me again my home is over there. Meet me there at 7:00 PM sharp. If you come I'll have a surprise for you." He smirks and walks away.

You stare at the ground blushing. You think, ( what did he mean by that!? )

You get up off of the ground and walk to the local shop in Semeru. "Hm, I'd like two Zaytun Peaches please and thank you."

You look behind you and see a blonde man looking at you from afar.

( you get your Zaytun peaches and begin to walk out of the door.)

Before you open the door, someone walks up to you and says, "I see you've met my roommate,"

"Huh- roommate?" You stutter.

"Yes, Alhaitham."

"Oh! Uh.. hello then? My name is [name] "

"Mines Kaveh, anyways, I wanted to tell you something about Alhaitham."

"Mhm. Go on.."

"You do know what he means by, 'surprise' right?"

"Oh— Um no?"

"... That's worrisome. Well, what do you think it means?"

"Like a surprise dinner?" You answer.

"More like a sexual surprise dinner." He scoffs.

"s-sexual!?" You say blushing.

"Of course it's sexual." Kaveh says with a chuckle.

"So.. he wants to do something sexual with me.?"

"I mean, why else would he invite you over?"

"... I- um.."

"Doesn't matter, I'd just recommend you wear something nice for him. He's very picky."


"Well, I'll be on my way then.. have fun with Alhaitham.." he says a bit angry.

(Jealous much.) you think as you see Kaveh walk away.

You rush home so you can take a shower and get ready because it was already 5:47 PM.

"Oh gosh. I look like a mess!"

You put makeup on and put on a very shiny dress that Nilou gave you.

You let your hair down and brush it. "Ooh! I should wear these earrings!!" You say and put them on.

Y/n x AlhaithamWhere stories live. Discover now