they invited you over to their place after having a few drinks

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Second-person point of view/gender-neutral reader

"Blame the alcohol for it."

When you entered the house, it was the dim shadows of the afternoon that welcomed you. The windows were opened, the curtains fluttering as a sultry breeze entered the room. The warm rays of sunshine kissed your face as you walked deeper into the room, the light made your headache worse forcing you to squint your eyes and massage your temples.

"God, my head hurts like hell." You muttered, quiet enough to not interrupt the comfortable feeling of the house. You set your things down on a table near you. Weird, you don't remember having a table in the living room. You traced your fingers on the carved patterns of the table, trying to make your drunken mind remember if the table had always been there.

Drumming your fingers on the table, you took one last look and turned around. An overwhelming sweet aroma invaded your nose as you felt a pair of sly hands grabbing you by your waist. You placed your hands in front of you, trying to distance yourself and the person that approached you. A deep chuckle resonated near your ear, and the warm breath of the person tickled your neck. Your heart hammered in your ears, sending electric waves through your body.

"What's taking you so long? We are waiting for you." Said the person, and when you heard his voice a sudden wave of memories swam through your mind.

The light touches, the laughs and the burning of the alcohol on your tongue. You were with two men, two of your friends. They were drinking with you, laughing and arguing every time one said something to annoy the other. You remember laughing alongside them, touching their hands and leaving flutters of warmth in their skin when they closed the distance between you.

You remember leaving with them, the alcohol a little over your head as you gazed at the two figures beside you. Al Haitham and Kaveh, your friends ever since you came to Sumeru. They'd asked if you wanted to spend the rest of the evening with them in their house, and of course, you said yes; it wouldn't be the first time you went to their house, they even got you a spare bed since it seemed that you rather spend more time with them than in your own house.

You cursed the alcohol for forgetting that you were with them— for forgetting that you were in their house and not yours. Warmth painted over your cheeks, averting your eyes from Kaveh as the intensity of his gaze brought butterflies to your heart.

"Ah, right. I forgot I was with you two, my bad." You laughed at your idiocy, placing your hands on Kaveh's exposed chest and mustering the courage to look him in the eyes. "Let's go then, Haitham will get mad if we take too long."

Kaveh stayed silent for a moment, just gazing at your features with a warmth that you couldn't quite understand the meaning of. He lifted a hand to your face and brushed aside the hair over your forehead. Your breath hitched as you caught Kaveh staring at your lips, but it was for such a brief moment that you thought you imagined it.

"C'mon, Haitham is in the other room." He said, guiding you with his hand intertwined with yours to where Al Haitham was.

You stared at your hands so comfortably intertwined, you noted that his hands were smaller than yours, how could they feel if— You shook your head in a daze, cursed the alcohol for making you think such things. You quickly removed your hands from his and went over to Al Haitham who was sitting with one leg over the other reading a book on the sofa.

You plopped next to him, sinking into the softness of the sofa and moving your eyes to stare at his concentrated face. "Took you long enough," He said with his usual unbothered tone that made you roll your eyes in exasperation. "I even started a new book while you two talked over there."

Between the three of you, he was the one that drank the less. If anything, you and Kaveh drank like there was no tomorrow but it seemed that he was handling better than you were.

Kaveh clicked his tongue and gave him a dry laugh, turning around and saying: "I'll bring some wine to finish the evening, what do you say?" You turned your head and nodded, smiling at Kaveh. Al Haitham hummed, not taking his eyes off his book.

The footsteps of Kaveh disappeared as he walked deeper into the house, probably to the kitchen or his room, you couldn't tell. You sighed as your gaze followed the light of the setting sun. Your mind was an overwhelming ocean of thoughts, too rampant and too hazy to make out even a word of it.

You blamed the alcohol for your actions, but that was just a poor excuse to give you the courage to do what you did next. You clicked your tongue and moved your body closer to Haitham, he eyed you from the corner of his eyes but refrained from saying anything.

Only when you placed a hand over his toned bicep did he stop reading? He sighed and closed his book, setting it aside and looking at you. "What are you doing?" He asked, arching an eyebrow at your dazed expression.

"Blame the alcohol for it." You said, but you were more aware than ever. The alcohol still ran through your veins but you could think straight now; your mind wasn't clouded and your head didn't pound anymore. It seemed that you only needed a little bit of time to regain your senses to remember what you were about to do, and not for it to be another night of blurry memories and muffled sounds in your head.

You traced your fingers over his arm, slowly scratching with your nails over his skin. You could feel his burning gaze trailing over you— over your body. You felt so small under his eyes, it was as if he was studying you, your every move and twitch of your body. And you were sure he could even hear the thumping of your heart.

You gave him a silent laugh and lowered your head, biting your lip. Without hesitating, you gripped his arm and placed yourself over his lap. He immediately gripped your waist, bringing you closer to his body and his warmth.

No words were said, not even when you closed the distance between you and brought your lips to his neck. He hummed and trailed his hands over your back, gripping and touching every single part of you.

You felt yourself getting warmer each second, your skin was on fire and your mind was hazy, this time not from the alcohol but from the raw desire that swam through your veins. You gave him one last kiss on his neck and moved in front of his face. You hovered over his lips with yours and you could feel his frustration when you didn't move from where you were.

"You're so annoying," he complained but he was the one that joined his lips with yours in a fever kiss that forced a sudden gasp from your lips.

When his hands started to lift your clothes you heard the clicking of glass against glass and the sound of pouring liquid. You detached your mouth from Al Haitham gasping for air, your hands went to his chest and your head moved to the sound.

Your eyes were met with Kaveh's darkened ones, he was taking a sip of the wine he had poured himself. He gazed at the two with a lustful gaze but then he sighed and lowered his glass on the table. He shook his head and his hair moved from side to side. "And here I thought I was the one holding back." He mused and took two slow steps towards your figure. He looked at Al Haitham for a moment, biting his lips, but then he took your chin in his fingers and lowered his head to meet your eyes.

"May I?" He whispered and moved his hands to the back of your head. You smiled and nodded. Kaveh wasted no time and pressed his lips against yours, moving them in a familiar dance. You felt a pair of hands guiding your hips, ever so slowly lifting the clothes covering your upper body.

Your mind could only wait in anticipation for what was about to happen. Outside, the moon took over the sky, inviting shadows to the room you were in, perhaps to hide the sinful actions that were about to take place

Y/n x AlhaithamWhere stories live. Discover now