temping AlHaitham to put his book down, but it leads to something else.......

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In recent days, Al-Haitham has been too busy doing his job as a secretary. That's why you were waiting for him at home all the time, cleaning and cooking his dinner. You didn't have time to cook him breakfast, because he woke up before you and kissed you on the forehead before you woke up and left for the Academy.

 You have already accepted that your lover is always busy, but this does not prevent you from spending time together. You could go to a tavern or go somewhere in nature together. Sometimes Al-Haitham could drag you with him on an expedition through the desert. And so. Let's go back to real-time.

 You were sitting on the sofa in the hallway as usual, having already finished your business, dinner was cooked and you just had to wait for it. After a couple of minutes, you start at the sound of the door opening and you were ready to pounce until you saw his neighbor, Kaveh. - Oh... Kaveh.

      You would like to get up from the couch, but you plop down on it again and sigh in disappointment. While your lover's neighbor looks at you uncomprehendingly. 

 Did you really think it was Al-Haitham who came?

You nodded as Kaveh walked inside the living room, 

Perhaps he will be a little late, I think I saw him detained by one sage from another darshan of the Academy. 

 Oh, that's it, thanks for telling me, Kaveh, 

 you continued to sit on the couch, thinking about what to do at this time. You might already think about starting to weave Kaveh's hairstyle, which you usually do when you're bored or when he asks. However, you dismiss this thought and lie down completely on the sofa, staring at the ceiling. 

 About half an hour passes, Kaveh has been busy with his drawings all this time, sitting on another nearby couch. You were already starting to fall asleep when you heard the sound of the front door opening again. You look out and see Al-Haitham. 

I'm at home. 

the secretary said as he walked into the living room and lightly kissed you on the forehead. At that time, you were smiling and looking only at him, not even paying attention to the neighbor next to you. 

 Dinner is ready. We can go eat now. 

 you said, getting up from the couch. Your lover calmly nodded, maintaining his seriousness, and headed for the kitchen. It's been about an hour since all three of you had dinner and went back to your daily chores.

 Kaveh went to his room and continued to work on his drawings there. And you were sitting on the couch with Al-Haitham. After a couple of seconds, he gets up from the sofa and goes to a small bedside table behind one of the sofas, and takes a random book.

 Coming back to you again. All this time you were watching his actions and waiting for him to sit down again to sit closer to him and start reading his book together. You're even already used to the content of such books that he reads. After a couple of minutes, you get tired of reading this book and lean back a little, continuing to stare at him, while he did not pay attention to your gaze, he was completely focused on the book. 

Is there something you want to say, Y/N? 

the secretary asked without taking his eyes off the book. You sigh softly. 

 I just want you to pay attention to me. 

 I thought we spent enough time together a few minutes ago. Wasn't it enough for you? 

 he smiles weakly, continuing to read the book intently as if this conversation does not matter at all to him. You get a little annoyed and approach him before taking the book out of his hands, 

 Oh, what are you doing, Y/N? 

 He looks at you with a surprised look, with a plea to return this book to him. - No, - You chuckle contentedly, putting the book down on the table. 

 Well, Y/N, if you want my attention, then so be it, you'll get it, 

He gets up from the couch and walks up to you in front of you before picking you up and dragging you to his room. 

 WOAH. Al-Haitham?? 

 You're already breathing unevenly, continuing to cling to his clothes. He throws you on the bed and climbs on it too, staying on top of you. You just look at his further actions. 

 See. you don't even mind it. 

 He grunts before kissing you and taking off his shirt. It seems you will spend the whole night together. Without even thinking about Kaveh.  

Y/n x AlhaithamWhere stories live. Discover now