Blocky's Fight #1: For Tree's Voice.

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Third Person POV

Blocky: Wonderful, now, let the battle begin.

Pen was ready to attack when Remote zoomed at Blocky. Blocky smirked and quickly knocked her down. She got up and summoned her sword, ready to attack again. Pen stopped her and calmed her down a bit. Remote thanked Pen before summoning his sword and does a triple attack, making Blocky lose 319 HP. Black Hole uses his Starlight magic, but this time, it was stronger. He put his hand out towards Blocky and casts it. Blocky dodges this magic.

BH: Shoot.

Pen: Watch out!!!

Remote quickly noticed the magma spears and casts her shield as they fly towards her. But one of the spears quickly went Pen's direction. Pen gasped, but Remote got in front of Pen quickly, and casts her shield to keep Blocky distracted. Black Hole casts his Starlight Blast at Blocky, his new magic, it does 129 damage. Blocky stumbled as the spears stopped. Remote put down her shield, while Pen summoned his sword, and hit Blocky once, doing 34 damage.

Pie's POV

I stood there by the side, watching the three of them fighting Blocky. Then I walked over to Tree.

Me: They're putting up quite a fight, aren't they?

Tree wrote something down. What could it be? Then he handed the paper to me. It says, "Yes, but if I could help, I would. But it's against Blocky's fight rules."

Me: Ahh, I see.

Tree nodded. I handed his paper back to him. Then I sat down. Tree sat down with me, and we both watched the fight together.

Black Hole's POV

It's been 5 minutes, since we were fighting. I'm really tired, but I have to keep going, to get Tree's voice back. No matter what. Then I see magma spears coming towards me. I summon my sword and spun it around, making a shield. Blocky seems really angry now. He summons a large spear outta nowhere, pointing it at me. Oh what the hell. Remote shouts out,

Remote: I got you, Black Hole!

She runs up in front of me and summons a large shield. Blocky launches it before she ran, so she was right on time, preventing me from getting hurt. The shield breaks in pieces, when me and Remote gets out of the way.

Remote: You okay?

Me: Yeah, I'm fine. Come on, let's keep fighting.

Remote: Mmhm.

We both get up off the ground, as we heard Pen let out a defeated scream. As I didn't see the spear comes towards me, it hit me. Then, I fell to the ground.

Tree's POV



...Oh shit. Pen and Black Hole are now down. But Remote is still standing. Blocky summons a spear, I couldn't let this slide. I couldn't lose my voice forever.



I can't let this happen to me.

I summoned my sword out in anger. Then ran towards him.

Third Person POV

Blocky was ready to hit Remote with a spear, when all of a sudden, Tree hits Blocky with his sword. Blocky slides on his knee, then stands up.


Tree didn't care what he said. He ran towards Blocky, hitting him in a dual attack, doing 325 damage. Blocky summons his spear, but  somehow, Tree breaks it, since he has fire powers, he can break anything that has his power.

Blocky: WAIT, WHA-

In a cutoff, Tree finishes off Blocky with two powers. His Fire Blaze, and Fire Ball. He casts them both the same time. Doing 481 damage, Blocky was defeated. Blocky falls down on his knees, tired out. Tree flips his sword, then sets it on his side. Blocky, out of breath, finally says,

Blocky: You know, Tree... you weren't supposed to be in this... fight... but I guess... it counts... here's your voice back.

Blocky gives Tree his voice back. He can finally  speak now. He said,

Tree: You know, I couldn't have my voice gone forever. But when you took down Black Hole and Pen, I couldn't let this slide.

Blocky: Good explanation... but you won't get away this easily!

Blocky disappears.

Tree uses his immunity token to revive Black Hole and Pen.

Black Hole stands and looks at Tree.

BH: Tree...

Tree: It's okay, Black Hole.

BH: You finally got your voice back!

Black Hole hugs Tree in happiness. Tree blushed a bit, then hugged him back.

Bottle: Aww!!

Pillow: So cute!

Tree stopped blushing and looked at Bottle and Pillow in embarrassment.

Tree: Hey, y-you didn't see nothing!

Tree crosses his arms and Black Hole puts a hand on his shoulder.

Pie: Well, we should all head inside the house now, its getting late.

Remote: Great idea!

They all walked inside the house.

Remote: Oh yeah, thanks for saving me, Tree. If you didn't help at all, we would've lost this battle, heh.

Tree: No problem,  it was nothing at all.

Remote smiled, and they continued to catch up with the others.



In Four's castle......

Blocky returns.

Four: So, your back?

Blocky: Yes, and I told Tree not to join, but he did anyway, and...

Blocky didn't know how to put this. But he told the truth.

Blocky: I lost the battle.

Liy looks at Four.

Liy: You wonder who we should send next?

Four: Hmm... I'm going to send you, Liy, but here, take this.

Liy: What is it?

Four: It's something that makes someone turn onto your side. You must use it perfectly. Understand?

Liy: Yes, Master Four.

Liy takes the card. Then teleports to Dream Island.

To be continued...

Chapter 3 tomorrow when I get out of school.

Thanks, once again,


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