Another One Bites The Dust; Remote's Now Evil.

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All was cool in the Death P.A.C.T house. But usual, Remote wasn't feeling well.

Remote; Hey guys, I'm going to get some fresh air outside.

Tree: Alright.

Remote walked out the door, closing it. She sighed and took a walk. After 1 minute, she started to glitch.

Remote: What the...

Remote ran back to her team's house. She quickly entered with hesitation. She ran up to her room.

BH: Is she okay?

Tree: I will go check on her.

Tree said as he stood up and went to Remote's room.

Tree POV

I knocked on her door.

Me: Remote? Are you okay?

Remote's door opened. I walked in, and she was just standing there.

Me: Remote?

I try to touch her shoulder, but then, she turned around and hit me with her power. I fell back.

Me: W-What the?

I get up and go downstairs.

Pen: Woah! Buddy, you good?

Me: I- No, Remote started to attack me for no reason-

Remote???: Tree~

BH: Now that sounds like a problem.

We see Remote coming down the stairs, slowly.

Third Person POV

Pillow: HOLY-

Bottle: Please don't tell me she's evil now...

Remote???: Correct.

Bottle: Huh?

Bottle noticed her ring was darkened.

Bottle: Her ring...

Remote raised up her hand [the one with the ring on], and her ring started glowing around the place, causing dizziness. She started to transform.

[After she transformed...]

Pie was the first to open her eyes. Oh no.

Pie: Lord have mercy. Not again.

Pillow opens her eyes, as well as the other members.

Pillow: Ohhhh... my....

They all were seeing an evil Remote. A twisted one, at that. Remote look at herself for a while and gasped.

Remote: Well, would you look at that? I look be4ut1ful-l!

Her voice glitches out for a bit.

The team rushes outside.

Pen: What do we do?

Snowball: There's nothing you can do about it now.

They all jumped in shock and turned to see Snowball. God damn.

Tree: What have you done now?!

Snowball: What I always do. Remote, come to me!

The sound of teleportation came from Remote, who teleported outside.

Bottle: Well, time to transform!

[After the transformation (because I felt like I kept cringing yall out with the "___, Power of ___" stuff.💀)]

Remote manages to raise her hand up into the air, creating a hand sword.

Pen: What the heck...

She flies down to the team and hits them all as they flew back and fell on the ground.

Pen: Dang, she's too powerful!

Pillow manages to get up and run towards Snowball.

Tree: Pillow! What are you doing?!

Remote blocks Pillow's path, but Pillow used her power to shove Remote away a little. After that, Pillow summons her sword and manages to attack Snowball.

BH: Now, that's smart. Come on! We can't just sit around and do nothing!

Black Hole said as he got up. He helped the rest of his teammates up. He decides to make a plan.

BH: Alright, now, I have a plan. Me and Tree will help Pillow, while you three try and get Remote back to normal. Sound good?

All of them nod.

BH: Okay! Let the plan start!

Bottle POV

We all splitted up. Me, Pen, and Pie ran to Remote. Then, Pen leaped up into the air with his sword, and hit Remote. Remote fell down to the ground.

Remote: Agh! What was that for!?

Pen: Sorry Remote, but we're trying to get you back to normal.

Remote: What are you talking about...

Her voice starts to glitch out again.

Remote: 1 4M ИORM4L!

Me and Pie ran to help Pen. I had a red gem in my pocket, so I took it out.

Me: Pie, you and Pen keep Remote busy! I'll try to grab her gem and put a new one.

Pie: Wait, what-

I showed her the gem.

Pie: Oh, alright. Understood!

Pie ran a bit faster ahead than me. Okay, Bottle, you got this. Focus. Pie and Pen were keeping Remote busy. I waited for the right time to strike. Then, boom. Alright, it's time. I ran and an faster than I could. I reached for Remote's ring and took it. I took the darkened gem out and put the new one in. Then, I put it back on her finger. Her ring glowed, and it put her back to normal. Phew, I did it.

Third Person POV

Remote: What the...

Remote look around, and saw Bottle holding the darkened gem. She snatched it out her hand, and broke the gem in fear.

Bottle: Uhh, you good?

Remote: Yep!

Remote ran to go help Black Hole, Tree, and Pillow.

Pie: Well, should we go help?

Pen and Bottle: Totally.


Tree, Black Hole, and Pillow were continuing fighting Snowball. But then, Remote, Pie, Pen, and Bottle had come to help! Remote, with her sword, slashed Snowball 10 times in a row.
Snowball was finally defeated.

Snowball: Damn it, again... Ugh! I'll come back!

Snowball then disappears.

Remote: I'm so sorry, you guys...

Tree walked over and placed a hand on Remote's shoulder.

Tree: Hey, it's okay.

Remote smiled.

Pillow: Alright, let's all go in and take a break. Mostly me, because I'm all tired out.

They all laughed, and then walked inside their team's house to take a break.


Hehe, another chapter. See you all on the next one! Bye!


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